20. nov. 2015, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Cardiometabolic effects of cheese intake Tanja Kongerslev Thorning forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Cardiometabolic effects of cheese intake - does fat content and ripening duration matter?
7. okt. 2015, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Biomarkers of low-grade systemic inflammation Rasmus Baadsgaard Mærkedahl is defending his PhD thesis: Biomarkers of low-grade systemic inflammation: Association with metabolic syndrome and influence of whole grain intake
23. sept. 2015, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: AMPKα in exercise-induced substrate metabolism Joachim Fentz forsvarer sin ph.d. afhandling: AMPKα in exercise-induced substrate metabolism and exercise training-induced metabolic and mitochondrial adaptations
21. sept. 2015, kl. 10.15 Ph.d. forsvar: Physical work demands and fitness Mette Korshøj forsvarer sin ph.d. afhandling: Physical work demands and fitness - Effects on risk factors for cardiovascular disease from a randomized controlled trial among cleaners
25. aug. 2015, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Acute and chronic effects of ß2-adrenoceptor agonists Morten Hostrup Nielsen forsvarer sin ph.d. afhandling: Acute and chronic effects of ß2-adrenoceptor agonists in relation to exercise performance and doping with emphasis on terbutaline
3. juni 2015, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Dairy proteins and energy balance Line Quist Bendtsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Dairy proteins and energy balance
6. maj 2015, kl. 10.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Effects of exercise training on haematology and maximal cardiac output Thomas Christian Bonne forsvarer sin ph.d. afhandling: Effects of exercise training on haematology and maximal cardiac output
4. maj 2015, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Football, Feminisation, Fans Svenja-Maria Mintert forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Football, Feminisation, Fans: Sociological Studies in a European Context
23. april 2015, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Development of an Evidence-based Sport Psychological Training Program for Young Elite Athletes Johan Michael Wikman forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Development of an Evidence-based Sport Psychological Training Program for Young Elite Athletes
16. april 2015, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Skeletal muscle and liver lipidomics and the regulation of FAT/CD36 Andreas Børsting Jordy forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Skeletal muscle and liver lipidomics and the regulation of FAT/CD36 - impact of high fat diet and exercise
10. april 2015, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: mTORC2 Regulation of Muscle Metabolism and Insulin Sensivity Maximilian Kleinert is defending his PhD thesis: mTORC2 Regulation of Muscle Metabolism and Insulin Sensivity
19. marts 2015, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Growth and body composition of school-aged children Stine-Mathilde Dalskov forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Growth and body composition of school-aged children - The influence of a school meal intervention, hormones and season
13. marts 2015, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: In-patient treatment of severe acute malnutrition Maren Johanne Heilskov Rytter forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: In-patient treatment of severe acute malnutrition - immune function, œdema and survival
6. marts 2015, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Statistical analyses of growth and body composition in children Signe Marie Jensen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Statistical analyses of growth and body composition in children
27. febr. 2015, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Impact of maternal diet on offspring bone fracture risk during childhood Sesilje Bondo Petersen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Impact of maternal diet on offspring bone fracture risk during childhood
19. jan. 2015, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Energy Availability and Reproductive Function in Female Endurance Athletes Anna Melin forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Energy Availability and Reproductive Function in Female Endurance Athletes
15. jan. 2015 Ph.d. forsvar: Gymnasieskolen som innovativt sundhedslaboratorium Stine Frydendal Nielsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Gymnasieskolen som innovativt sundhedslaboratorium. Et processtudie om idræt og demokrati i en ungdomskultur
13. jan. 2015, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: The effect of wholegrain on appetite Sabine Ibrügger forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: The effect of wholegrain on appetite. Short- and long-term effects and the potential role of colonic fermentation