SPORT 2024.07.15 Widespread practice among athletes harms both performance and health Drastically cutting back on caloric intake to lose weight ahead of competition is commonplace among…
biomarkers 2024.07.04 The truth detector in nutrition research is getting closer What did you have for lunch last Tuesday? Can you easily recall? Nutrition research relies on…
intestinal bacteria 2024.05.22 New research initiative is to shed light on the role of intestinal bacteria in obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases A new research initiative, the Microbiome Health Initiative, will investigate whether there is a…
25 Sept. 2024, 13:00 PhD defence: Liver fat, metabolic dysfunction and effects of dairy foods in individuals with abdominal obesity Karoline Sandby is defending her PhD thesis: Liver fat, metabolic dysfunction and effects of dairy…
27 Sept. 2024, 14:00 AKC seminar: Glucagon in the tug of war of blood glucose control: bench to bedside Professor Patrik Rorsman FRS, OCDEM, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Churchill Hospital,…