17. dec. 2019,
kl. 13.00
Arrangementer 2019
17. dec. 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Sarcopenia and Geriatric Medical Patients
13. dec. 2019,
kl. 14.00-16.00
AKC Seminar: Giraffe physiology: How the cardiovascular system of Earth's tallest animal is adapted to gravity
9. dec. 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Renal function and vitamin D level in HIV positive adults in Ethiopia
4. dec. 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
Krop og lederskab i professionel praksis
28. nov. - 29. nov. 2019
AKC Symposium: Rising stars in physiology
13. nov. 2019,
kl. 13.00-15.00
August Krogh on Tour at AU: Systems analysis of Insulin and Exercise Actions in Muscle and Fat
12. nov. 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
August Krogh on Tour at SDU: Systems analysis of Insulin and Exercise Actions in Muscle and Fat
11. nov. 2019,
kl. 15.15-17.00
August Krogh on Tour at KU: Systems analysis of Insulin and Exercise Actions in Muscle and Fat
6. nov. 2019,
kl. 13.00
Trajectories of growth in early childhood and body composition and cardiometabolic risk markers in Ethiopian children
1. nov. 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Gut function in children hospitalized with severe acute malnutrition
1. nov. 2019,
kl. 9.00-12.00
PhD defence: Team Handball – a health-promoting activity?
28. okt. 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
Aktiv Patientstøtte - coachende samtaler med patienter
25. okt. 2019,
kl. 15.00-16.00
AKC Double Seminar: From physiology to sports injury v/ Michael Kjær
25. okt. 2019,
kl. 14.00-15.00
AKC Double Seminar: From physiology to sports injury v/ Abigail Mackey
22. okt. 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Is appetite reduction an effective tool for body weight management in the context of obesity?
2. okt. 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
At uddanne i læge-patientkommunikation
27. sept. 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Discovery of novel biomarkers of fruit intake by untargeted metabolomics
18. sept. 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: 'It's 5 o'clock in the morning and you're just on fire': Exploring Embodied Experiences in Performance Swimming
10. sept. 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
Meaning Based Coaching
9. sept. 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
Den svære samtale
6. sept. 2019,
kl. 14.00-16.00
AKC Seminar: GDF15 in regulation of food intake and metabolism v/ Sebastian Beck Jørgensen
21. aug. 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Exercising with insulin action
20. aug. 2019,
kl. 15.00-16.00
AKC Double Seminar: Regulation of muscle metabolism during and following exercise v/ Niels Ørtenblad
20. aug. 2019,
kl. 14.00-15.00
AKC Double Seminar: Regulation of muscle metabolism during and following exercise v/ Greg Cartee
2. juli 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Determinants of Obesity and Weight Loss
21. juni 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Biomarkers of red meat intake: are we there yet?
11. juni 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
Brug billeder til at skabe nye fortællinger
24. maj 2019,
kl. 15.00-16.00
AKC Double Seminar: Diabetes among Greenland Inuit. The genetic perspective
24. maj 2019,
kl. 14.00-15.00
AKC Double Seminar: Diabetes among Greenland Inuit. The epidemiological perspective
24. maj 2019,
kl. 10.30
PhD defence: Novel insights into GLUT4 trafficking and subcellular distribution in adult muscle
23. maj 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Fish-based, ready-to-use therapeutic food in treatment of severe acute malnutrition
20. maj 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: The Clinical Epidemiology of Hypertension in Tanzania
10. maj 2019,
kl. 14.00-16.00
AKC Seminar: Nightlife of the Brain
3. maj 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: The role of whole grains and lignans in lifestyle diseases
3. maj 2019,
kl. 11.00-14.00
PhD defence: Physiological mechanisms underlying performance- and health-enhancing effects of high-intensity exercise training in human skeletal muscle
26. april 2019,
kl. 14.00-17.00
PhD defence: Effect of training frequency as several shorter training sessions compared to less frequent but longer training sessions
25. april 2019,
kl. 10.00
Ph.d. forsvar: En figurationssociologisk undersøgelse af voksnes muligheder og begrænsninger for at forandre træningsrutiner
24. april 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
Kunsten at ville ét - eller hvad ledere kan lære af Kierkegaard
29. marts 2019,
kl. 14.00-16.00
AKC Seminar: The roles of myokines in exercise as medicine – a translational perspective
26. marts 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
Hero coaching (story coaching)
8. marts 2019,
kl. 13.00-16.00
PhD defence: Detection and physiological effects of blood volume manipulations
5. marts 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Investigations into culinary improved meals-on-wheels for nursing home residents
28. febr. 2019,
kl. 13.00-16.00
PhD defence: Improvements in vascular function and angiogenesis to ameliorate blood supply and healing in non-healing diabetic foot ulcers
26. febr. 2019,
kl. 16.00-17.30
Kunsten at flytte sig: Coaching og karriereudvikling
22. febr. 2019,
kl. 14.00-16.00
AKC Seminar: Blood volume – determination, regulation and importance for exercise performance
12. febr. 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: Infants with excessive weight gain during exclusive breastfeeding
1. febr. 2019,
kl. 10.00
Ph.d. forsvar: Holdspil og sundhedsfremme i folkeskolen
23. jan. 2019,
kl. 13.00
PhD defence: The development and effect of a New Nordic Renal Diet on phosphorus homeostasis in patients with moderate chronic kidney disease
16. jan. 2019,
kl. 13.00