health 2025.01.20 Many Greenlanders Face 10 Times Higher Risk of Diabetes – Exercise May Be Their Only Solution A significant portion of the Greenlandic Inuit population carries a genetic variant that increases their risk of type 2 diabetes tenfold. Now, researchers from the University of Copenhagen have discovered that the key t…
dietary supplement 2025.01.08 New international research collaboration to develop and test an improved dietary supplement for pregnant women Poor nutrition during pregnancy can have serious consequences for both maternal and child health. A new research collaboration – ‘Mother’s Micronutrient Supplement for Pregnancy and Lactation’ (MoMS) – between…
The Brain 2024.12.12 Electrical stimulation of the nervous system can improve motor learning Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have demonstrated that the brain's ability to learn certain skills can be significantly enhanced if both the brain and nervous system are primed by carefully-calibrated,…
Nutrition 2024.11.29 All people are unique – also in the gut A new study from the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen increases our knowledge about the gut and the life of gut bacteria. The study shows, among other things, that changes in…
Insulin 2024.11.27 New study unravel novel insight to muscle insulin resistance and the insulin sensitization effect of exercise Insulin resistance remains one of the biggest health problems in our society serving as a gateway to many diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and various cancers. Extraordinarily, we still do not have muscle…
inaugural lecture 2024.11.12 Thomas Elbenhardt appointed as Professor Following an open international application process and external evaluation, Thomas Elbenhardt Jensen has been appointed as Professor of Molecular Exercise Physiology at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of…
SPORT 2024.07.15 Widespread practice among athletes harms both performance and health Drastically cutting back on caloric intake to lose weight ahead of competition is commonplace among athletes. However, this type of 'dieting' doesn’t just diminish performances, it can also compromise their immune…
biomarkers 2024.07.04 The truth detector in nutrition research is getting closer What did you have for lunch last Tuesday? Can you easily recall? Nutrition research relies on self-reported dietary information, yet this data is often imprecise. A new review from the Department of Nutrition, Exercise…
intestinal bacteria 2024.05.22 New research initiative is to shed light on the role of intestinal bacteria in obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases A new research initiative, the Microbiome Health Initiative, will investigate whether there is a causal relationship between intestinal bacteria and conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The Departmen…
Learning 2024.01.23 Physical exercise boosts motor learning – and remembering what one has learned Violinists, surgeons and gamers can benefit from physical exercise both before and after practicing their new skills. The same holds true for anyone seeking to improve their fine motor skills. This is demonstrated by ne…
Shanghai Ranking 2023.12.22 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports is still ranked among the world's absolute elite in Sport Science The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports together with the Department of Sports Medicine at Bispebjerg Hospital – both from the University of Copenhagen – is ranked as the world's second best research environmen…
learning 2023.11.15 Children’s spelling skills improve when teaching integrates movement A new study from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports shows that children who use their bodies to 'shape' letter-sounds improve their spelling skills more than those who receive…
æresdoktor 2023.11.08 Distinguished researcher in the field of exercise physiology, honorary doctorate at University of Copenhagen Professor Laurie J. Goodyear, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School is awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Copenhagen for her outstanding research in the field of physical activity, particularl…
Running 2023.10.25 Great news for runners: Improve performance while easing up on sprints 10-20-30 interval training is an effective way to improve running performance and overall health. A new study from the University of Copenhagen demonstrates that this kind of training is just as effective for improving…
exercise 2023.09.27 The more we exercise, the longer we lounge around The more we engage in structured exercise training, the more we tend to cut back on daily non-exercise physical activities like riding a bike to work instead of driving, or taking the stairs instead of hopping on an…
Health 2023.08.29 Mysterious hormone makes insulin work better It makes animals want to eat less and is found in levels 100 times greater in pregnant women. A new study from the University of Copenhagen also reports that it makes insulin work better in rodents. While its role in ou…
Global Health 2023.06.20 Researchers reverse stunting in children, challenging WHO recommendations At present the WHO does not recommend nutrient supplements for children with stunted growth – a health problem that affects more than one in five children under the age of five globally. The rationale is that supplement…
grant 2023.05.31 Professor Jørgen Wojtaszewski receives the Novo Nordisk Foundation's Distinguished Investigator Grant With DKK 10 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Professor Jørgen Wojtaszewski will illuminate the cellular signals that insulin uses to initiate biological effects, and how these signals are affected when insulin…
sleep 2023.01.04 New research project will investigate the effect of sleep extension on body weight, metabolism and learning ability in children Many children and young people sleep less than recommended. A new research collaboration between the University of Copenhagen and Rigshospitalet will study the effect of sleep extension on weight, metabolism and learnin…
Health 2022.12.25 Some guts are better than others at harvesting energy New research from the University of Copenhagen suggests that a portion of the Danish population has a composition of gut microbes that, on average, extracts more energy from food than do the microbes in the guts of thei…
award 2022.09.19 Professor Jørgen F.P. Wojtaszewski receives award for deepening the understanding of how exercise makes muscles more sensitive This year Professor Jørgen Wojtaszewski was selected as one of two runners up and will receive DKK 500,000 for his research projects ‘Personalized Phosphoproteomics – Turning Phenotypic Variance into Scientific…
award 2022.09.06 Teacher of the Year: A living legend, whether in glitter or gladiator garb He is a living legend in his department – known to occasionally sport a gladiator costume or sequin jacket and electric guitar. Not a speck of dust has settled on this epic lecturer after 38 years of teaching. To the…
movement 2022.06.08 Whole-body learning can boost children's letter sound recognition - the first step towards reading Children who move while learning sounds of letters significantly improve their ability to recognize individual letter sounds. This is the conclusion of a new study conducted by the University of Copenhagen’s Department…
diabetes 2022.06.02 Cancer increases the risk of developing diabetes Cancer patients are at a greater risk for developing diabetes, according to a new study by the Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, and the University of Copenhagen. The study also concludes that cancer…
Relief 2022.05.03 Professor: "B12 deficiency harms young children's development – and the food relief we provide isn’t good enough" Vitamin B12 deficiency in infants leads to poor motor development and anaemia, according to a study from Burkina Faso conducted by the University of Copenhagen and Médecins Sans Frontières. B12 deficiency is an enormous…
Strength Training 2022.04.22 Varied strength-training programmes increase strength, but not muscle mass For years, it has been assumed that variation in strength-training programmes impacts training outcomes. New research at the University of Copenhagen demonstrates that varied strength training has a positive effect on…
FOOD 2022.03.08 Nordic diet lowers cholesterol and blood sugar – even if you don't lose weight A healthy Nordic diet can prevent a range of diseases. Until now, the health benefits attributed to a Nordic diet by researchers primarily focused on weight loss. But in a new study, University of Copenhagen researchers…
Arla Food for Health 2022.02.21 Industry and universities come together to support science in dairy Under the partnership name Arla Food for Health (AFH), four key players from both industry and academia are exploring potential health effects of dairy and dairy ingredients. Three new re-search projects have been…
Shanghai Ranking 2022.01.07 The University of Copenhagen is among the world’s best research environments in Sport Science The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports and the Institute of Sports Medicine at Bispebjerg Hospital – both departments at the University of Copenhagen – are among the world’s best research environments in “Spor…
Gut microbes 2021.10.25 Gut microbes may help explain benefits of breastfeeding Danish researchers have shown how gut bacteria, which are promoted by breastfeeding, may benefit the immune system in infants.
Doping 2021.07.23 From cocaine to EPO to steroids: wide differences among doping substances used by cheaters Doping substances are many and have evolved from the rawest stimulants and narcotics used in the 1960s, to the more refined substances that we are familiar with today, such as EPO and steroids. But, do you know which…
Doping 2021.07.23 Dried blood can detect doping: Now approved, the method may be tested at the Tokyo Olympics In collaboration with Anti-Doping Denmark and the Norwegian Doping Control Laboratory, University of Copenhagen researchers have developed a method that, using blood droplets, can easily and effectively detect athletes…
The Olympics 2021.07.15 In principal, some Olympians can indulge in junk food for breakfast and still perform The buffet tables of Olympic athletes are piled with scrumptious nosh each and every day. However, the extent to which these athletes can indulge depends entirely upon the disciplines in which they are competing. Read…
under pressure 2021.07.09 The Weight of an Olympic Medal It can have negative consequences for the individual athlete when we focus more on the performance than the person behind. Because what happens when the moment the athlete has based his or her identity on is over?
overview 2021.07.09 Olympics in 60 seconds: From Greek myth to modern-day mega-event The Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in honour of the gods. In addition to an abundance of sports, the Olympics of today are money, politics and propaganda.
Basketball Mathematics 2021.04.07 Basketball Mathematics scores big at inspiring kids to learn New study with 756 1st through 5th graders demonstrates that a six-week mashup of hoops and math has a positive effect on their desire to learn more, provides them with an experience of increased self-determination and…
research 2021.01.12 Twitching, fast and slow: New approach to studying muscle fibers reveals different responses to exercise training Scientists at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports and the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, both at the University of Copenhagen have performed the most in-depth analysis of fast…
Shanghai Rankring 2020.11.17 The University of Copenhagen is home to the world’s best research environment in Sports Science The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports and the Institute of Sports Medicine at Bispebjerg Hospital – both departments at the University of Copenhagen – are together the world’s best research environment in…
MENOPAUSE 2020.11.11 Team sport lowers blood pressure in postmenopausal women Team sport effectively counteracts diminished vascular function in women with high blood pressure, even several years after the onset of menopause. This, according to new research from the Copenhagen Center for Team…
Facemask 2020.10.07 Facemasks do not impair indicators of cognitive performance when performing moderate physical work in hot environments A novel study shows that facemask use does not affect indicators of cognitive performance when the wearers are resting or performing moderate physical work in hot environments. However, wearing a facemask does make it…
menopause 2020.09.22 Blood vessel growth in muscle is reduced in women after menopause A new study from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports demonstrates that formation of small blood vessels is impaired in the muscle tissue of postmenopausal women. The study’s…
Diabetes Research 2020.08.24 Interval training lowers blood sugar and reduces fat in type 2 diabetes patients Type 2 diabetics can achieve significant results across several health parameters through interval training shows a new study from the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen. The ne…
HEAT-SHIELD 2020.06.12 Working in the sun - Heating of the head may markedly affect safety and performance Prolonged exposure of the head to strong sunlight significantly impairs cognitively dominated functions and coordination of complex motor tasks shows a new study from the Heat-Shield project coordinated by researchers…
proteins 2020.05.28 The death marker protein cleans up your muscles after exercise Researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports have demonstrated that physical activity prompts a clean-up of muscles as the protein Ubiquitin tags onto worn-out proteins,…
Blood doping 2018.12.12 Small Amount of Blood Doping: Large Impact Blood doping can improve performance in endurance disciplines such as cycling, long-distance running, cross-country skiing, etc. New data from the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of…
Heat-Shield 2018.10.31 European workers fail to maintain water balance A newly published scientific paper indicates that occupational safety and daily day performance in 7 out of 10 workers, from several European industries, is negatively affected by a combination of heat stress and failur…
The Shanghai Ranking 2018.10.23 University of Copenhagen home to the world’s leading research environment in sports science The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports and the Institute of Sports Medicine, Bispebjerg Hospital, rank as the world’s leading research environment within sports science in the ‘Global Ranking of Sport Science…
malnutrition 2017.09.12 New research to treat acute malnutrition Researchers from University of Copenhagen and humanitarian organizations have conducted a large study in Burkina Faso in West Africa treating more than 1600 children with acute malnutrition. The study showed that…
sustainable food 2017.05.10 Six-legged livestock – sustainable food production Farming crickets for human consumption is less of a burden on the environment than other livestock production systems according to a new study by the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and…
collaboration 2017.03.28 New research collaboration about teaching of school children from Cape Town and Copenhagen In 2017 the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports and the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, both University of Copenhagen collaborate with the Danish Cultural Institute, University of Cape Town School of…
ampk 2017.01.02 AMPK – the enzyme that makes physical activity healthy Physical activity benefits diabetics and others with insulin resistance. One of the reasons is that a single bout of physical activity increases the effectiveness of insulin. Thus, physical activity helps to reduce the…
WEIGHT LOSS AND PSORIASIS 2016.12.22 Weight loss reduces psoriasis symptoms Weight loss has a significant and prolonged positive impact on psoriasis symptoms and quality of life. The findings stem from a study conducted by Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, in collaboration with the University of…
Sustainable eating 2016.12.08 Beans and peas increase fullness more than meat Meals based on legumes such as beans and peas are more satiating than pork and veal-based meals according to a recent study by the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Excercise and Sports. Results sugges…
FOOD FOR OLDER PEOPLE 2016.05.31 Older people should have better food: Malnutrition costs billions Every second older person loses weight unintentionally when living in a nursing home or during hospitalization, and 20% of frail, dependent older people weigh too little. This reduces the quality of life for older peopl…
GREEiNSECT 2016.02.24 GREEiNSECT Technical brief #1 Technical brief #1: Insects as food and feed in Kenya – past, current and future perspectives now available
research 2015.04.16 New blood test can predict future breast cancer By analysing a simple blood sample, scientists from the University of Copenhagen have succeeded in predicting if a woman will get breast cancer within two to five years. The method – a metabolic blood profile – is still…
muscle metabolism research 2014.11.24 New role for a muscle enzym (mTORC2) A new study published by Section of Molecular Physiology in Molecular Metabolism shows that the enzyme mTORC2 has an important role in regulation of insulin sensitivity and substrate utilization in muscle in vivo.
Diet, Exercise and Diabetes 2013.10.02 Proper diet and exercise to limit diabetes epidemic The number of diabetics worldwide is exploding. In response, the largest study of its kind to date is set to investigate type-2 diabetes prevention through diet, exercise and lifestyle.
Antioxidants 2013.07.22 Antioxidants - too much of a good thing? A compound in red grapes, including red wine, counteracts exercise benefits in older men
Insulin resistance 2013.06.26 New research provides insights into the ability of muscles to take in glucose New studies conducted by a research group from University of Copenhagen have identified a molecule which can explain why blood sugar regulation functions poorly in patients with type 2 diabetes and why exercise increase…