15. dec. 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: The potential of edible insects as meat replacements in the daily Danish diet Cassandra Maya is defending her PhD thesis: The potential of edible insects as meat replacements in the daily Danish diet.
8. dec. 2023, kl. 14.00 PhD defence: Diet and gut microbiota in cardiometabolic health Agnetha Linn Rostgaard-Hansen is defending her PhD thesis: Diet and gut microbiota in cardiometabolic health: Studies from the Danish Cohort Diet, Cancer and Health - Next Generations
24. nov. 2023, kl. 14.45-15.30 AKC Double Seminar: Small things, big impact: Small noncoding RNAs in human (patho)physiology Associate Professor Yaël Nossent, presenting in August Krogh Club Double Seminar with Professor Louise Torp Dalgaard.
24. nov. 2023, kl. 14.00-14.45 AKC Double Seminar: Small things, big impact: Small noncoding RNAs in human (patho)physiology Professor Louise Torp Dalgaard, presenting in August Krogh Club Double Seminar with Associate Professor Yaël Nossent.
21. nov. 2023, kl. 16.00-17.30 Præstationspsykologi i teori og praksis Martin Langagergaard præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
14. nov. - 17. nov. 2023 PhD course: Qualitative Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health: Innovative Approaches International PhD course in Denmark. Course responsible: Adam B. Evans. Deadline: 2 October 2023.
9. nov. 2023, kl. 14.00 Honorary Doctorate Seminar /by Professor Laurie J. Goodyear Title: Is exercise the cure for transmission of metabolic disease to offspring? Epigenetic mechanisms and beyond.
27. okt. 2023, kl. 14.00 AKC seminar: Sustaining Power: Building Energy Networks in Striated Muscles Senior Investigator Brian Glancy, NHLBI & NIAMS, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
26. okt. 2023, kl. 13.30 PhD defence: Wholegrain Intake and Children’s Health Marie Terese Barlebo Madsen is defending her PhD thesis: Wholegrain Intake and Children’s Health. The Impact of Wholegrain Intake on Growth, Cardiometabolic Markers and Gut Health from Infancy to Early Adolescence.
23. okt. 2023, kl. 16.00-17.30 "Ledelse tirsdag formiddag kl. 10" Lise Dahl Arvedsen præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
20. okt. 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Insect as food and feed Navodita Malla is defending her PhD thesis: Insect as food and feed. Protein quality of insects for human consumption and effect of insects on growth performance and gut health of piglets
20. okt. 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Personalized dietary Management of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders in Adults Mona Adnan Aldubayan is defending her PhD thesis: Personalized dietary Management of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders in Adults
16. okt. 2023, kl. 9.15 PhD defence: Investigating different approaches and analyses of psychological variables to enhance sport and exercise Michael John Dwyer is defending his PhD thesis: Investigating different approaches and analyses of psychological variables to enhance sport and exercise
13. okt. 2023, kl. 18.00 Kulturnat på Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Fredag d. 13. oktober slår Institut for Idræt og Ernæring dørene op, og inviterer dig ind til en aften fuld af forskning, idræt og bevægelse.
13. okt. 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Maternal inflammation, human milk biomarkers and associations with infant outcomes Sophie Hilario Christensen is defending her PhD thesis: Maternal inflammation, human milk biomarkers and associations with infant outcomes
12. okt. 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Exploring the role of gastrointestinal transit time and pH for diet-microbiota interactions Nicola Procházková defending her PhD thesis: Exploring the role of gastrointestinal transit time and pH for diet-microbiota interactions.
4. okt. 2023, kl. 16.00-17.30 Resonans - Inspiration til en ny dialogpraksis? Reinhard Stelter præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
29. sept. 2023, kl. 14.00 AKC seminar: Transcriptional control of adipogenesis – regulating the master switch Professor Susanne Mandrup, Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity. Functional Genomics & Metabolism Research Unit, Dept. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark.
29. sept. 2023, kl. 13.30 PhD defence: Metabotyping in Precision Nutrition and Weight Management Kristina Pigsborg is defending her PhD thesis: Metabotyping in Precision Nutrition and Weight Management
14. sept. 2023, kl. 9.25-12.00 Seminar: Changing countries, applications and people’s behaviours A holistic approach to the psychology of healthy lifestyles. Tenure Track Final Appraisal / By Stefano De Dominicis
12. sept. 2023, kl. 17.00-18.30 Samtalen binder os sammen Signe Bonnén præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
29. aug. 2023, kl. 10.00 PhD defence: Substrate utilization in the brain and skeletal muscle during environmental and energetic stress in humans Hannah Caldwell is defending her PhD thesis: Substrate utilization in the brain and skeletal muscle during environmental and energetic stress in humans.
3. juli 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: The liver-derived hormones GDF15 and FGF21 and their effect on energy balance Trine Sand Nicolaisen is defending her PhD thesis: The liver-derived hormones GDF15 and FGF21 and their effect on energy balance.
30. juni 2023, kl. 12.00 August Krogh Mini-Symposium on Regulatory Mechanisms in Muscle Metabolism Marta Murgia: 'Single fiber proteomics as a magnifying glass for muscle plasticity';David James: 'The Path to Insulin Resistance'; Amira Klip: 'Insulin resistance in a dish: not about insulin signalling'; Jacqueline Stoeckli: 'Identification of a genetic health variant that protects from metabolic disease'; Prof. Zhen Yan: 'New insights of AMPK function in skeletal muscle by integrative omics'.
25. juni - 29. juni 2023 PhD course: Skeletal muscle metabolism and growth - insight into models and mechanisms International PhD course in Denmark. Course organiser: Jørgen Wojtaszewski. Deadline: 10 June 2023.
19. juni 2023, kl. 14.00-16.00 Gå-hjem-seminar: Skolehaver – et grønt rum for sundhed, trivsel og læring? Kom et spadestik dybere i skolehave-forskningen. Mød den amerikanske forsker Nancy Wells fra Cornell University og mange flere, når vi sætter spot på mulighederne ved skolehaver for børns sundhed, trivsel og læring.
16. juni 2023, kl. 9.00 PhD defence: Physical activity levels, cardiorespiratory fitness, and diabetes Brenda Wilfred Kitilya is defending her PhD thesis: Physical activity levels, cardiorespiratory fitness, and diabetes among People living with HIV and HIV-uninfected adults in Tanzania.
15. juni 2023, kl. 14.00-14.50 Folkemøde: Fremtidens Forebyggelse Alle bør have mulighed for at leve et sundt liv i trivsel og udvikling – men hvad skal der til for at skabe et samfund, hvor det er muligt? Københavns Universitet inviterer til debat på Folkemødet om Fremtidens Forebyggelse
14. juni 2023, kl. 14.00 PhD defence: Motor Skills and Effects of Motor Practice in Children and Young Adults Malene Norup is defending her PhD thesis: Motor Skills and Effects of Motor Practice in Children and Young Adults
7. juni 2023, kl. 16.15-17.45 Spiller på livets svære bane Jesper Nøddesbo præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
1. juni 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: The gut in childhood stunting: a randomised controlled trial in Uganda Hannah Pesu is defending her PhD thesis: The gut in childhood stunting: a randomised controlled trial in Uganda
26. maj 2023, kl. 14.00 AKC seminar: Brown Fat in Human Metabolism Associate Professor Camilla Scheele, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
28. april 2023, kl. 14.00 AKC seminar: ATP signaling in health and disease Professor Ivana Novak, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
19. april 2023, kl. 16.00-17.30 A New Purpose for Socratic Questioning in Coaching Stefano De Dominicis is presenting in Coaching lecture series "Coaching - Research and Practice".
3. april 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Acute effects of beta2-adrenoceptor agonist in humans Johan Onslev is defending his PhD thesis: Acute effects of beta2-adrenoceptor agonist in humans: Glucometabolic regulation in muscle and therapeutic perspectives.
31. marts 2023, kl. 14.00 PhD defence: Importance of angiotensin-converting enzyme activity for adaptation to exercise training Tórur Sjúrðarson is defending his PhD thesis: Importance of angiotensin-converting enzyme activity for adaptation to exercise training
23. marts 2023, kl. 16.00-17.30 Praktisk filosofi og ledelse – et spørgsmål om hverdagstræning? Michael Højlund Larsen præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
1. marts 2023, kl. 16.00-17.30 Lederskab i bevægelse Om kroppens sprog, ledelsesfortællinger og en forskningsbaseret meditativ bevægelsespraksis. Helle Winther præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
23. febr. 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Effects of Embodied Learning on Children’s Literacy Skills Linn Damsgaard is defending her PhD thesis: Effects of Embodied Learning on Children’s Literacy Skills
27. jan. 2023, kl. 14.00 PhD defence: Molecular mechanisms in exercise and recovery Christian Strini Carl is defending his PhD thesis: Molecular mechanisms in exercise and recovery. In vivo network characterization of the multi-modal exercise phosphoproteome and the mechanisms regulating post-exercise insulin sensitivity in human skeletal muscle.
20. jan. 2023, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Investigating and measuring physical literacy and its health-related correlates in Danish children and adolescents Paulina Sander Melby is defending her PhD thesis: Investigating and measuring physical literacy and its health-related correlates in Danish children and adolescents
18. jan. 2023, kl. 16.00-17.30 Dialogisk ledelsesudvikling og styrkelse af ledelseskollegiale resonansfællesskaber gennem narrativ samskabende praksis Pia Houmark præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
11. jan. 2023, kl. 14.00 Inaugural lecture: On how following your academic passion “can take you places” ... both literally and metaphorically Faidon Magkos has been awarded the position of Professor in Obesity and Metabolism at the Department of Nutrition Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen.