Faidon Magkos

Faidon Magkos


  1. 2021
  2. Udgivet

    Obsessed with healthy eating: A systematic review of observational studies assessing orthorexia nervosa in patients with diabetes mellitus

    Grammatikopoulou, M. G., Gkiouras, K., Polychronidou, G., Kaparounaki, C., Gkouskou, K. K., Magkos, Faidon, Donini, L. M., Eliopoulos, A. G. & Goulis, D. G., 2021, I: Nutrients. 13, 11, 14 s., 3823.

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  3. Udgivet

    Plasma branched-chain amino acids are associated with greater fasting and postprandial insulin secretion in non-diabetic Chinese adults

    Ding, C., Egli, L., Bosco, N., Sun, L., Goh, H. J., Yeo, K. K., Yap, J. J. L., Actis-Goretta, L., Leow, M. K. & Magkos, Faidon, 2021, I: Frontiers in Nutrition. 8, 13 s., 664939.

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  4. Udgivet

    Reduced carbohydrate and increased protein and fat during weight loss improve the atherogenic lipid profile in type 2 diabetes

    Thomsen, M. N., Skytte, M. J., Samkani, A., Astrup, A., Frystyk, J., Chabanova, E., Hartmann, Bolette, Holst, Jens Juul, Larsen, T. M., Madsbad, Sten, Magkos, Faidon, Thomsen, Henrik S., Walzem, R. L., Krarup, T. & Haugaard, Steen Bendix, 2021, I: Diabetologia. 64, SUPPL 1, s. 60-60 109.

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  5. Udgivet

    The effect of COVID-19-related lockdowns on diet and physical activity in older adults: A systematic review

    Larson, E. A., Bader-Larsen, K. S. & Magkos, Faidon, 2021, I: Aging and Disease. 12, 8, s. 1935-1947 13 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    The effect of dietary carbohydrate restriction beyond weight loss on health-related quality of life and cognition

    Jensen, N. J., Wodschow, H. Z., fbg982, fbg982, Samkani, A., Astrup, A., Frystyk, J., Hartmann, Bolette, Holst, Jens Juul, Larsen, T. M., Madsbad, Sten, Magkos, Faidon, Miskowiak, Kamilla, Rungby, Jørgen, Haugaard, Steen Bendix & Thomsen, M. N., 2021, I: Diabetologia. 64, SUPPL 1, s. 62-63 114.

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  7. Udgivet

    Vitamin D and obesity: Current evidence and controversies

    Karampela, I., Sakelliou, A., Vallianou, N., Christodoulatos, G., Magkos, Faidon & Dalamaga, M., 2021, I: Current Obesity Reports. 10, 2, s. 162-180 19 s.

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  8. 2020
  9. Udgivet

    A perspective on the transition to plant-based diets: A diet change may attenuate climate change, but can it also attenuate obesity and chronic disease risk?

    Magkos, Faidon, Tetens, Inge , Bügel, Susanne Gjedsted, Felby, C., Schacht, Simon Rønnow, Hill, J. O., Ravussin, E. & Astrup, A., 2020, I: Advances in Nutrition. 11, 1, s. 1-9 9 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Association between serum vitamin D metabolites and metabolic function in healthy Asian adults

    Ding, C., Chan, Z., Chooi, Y. C., Choo, J., Sadananthan, S. A., Michael, N., Velan, S. S., Leow, M. K. & Magkos, Faidon, 2020, I: Nutrients. 12, 12, 10 s., 3706.

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  11. Udgivet

    Diet and exercise in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Magkos, Faidon, Hjorth, Mads Fiil & Astrup, A., 2020, I: Nature Reviews Endocrinology. 16, 10, s. 545-555 11 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    Heredity of type 2 diabetes confers increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and inflammation

    Baig, S., Shabeer, M., Parvaresh Rizi, E., Agarwal, M., Lee, M. H., Ooi, D. S. Q., Chia, C., Aung, N., Ng, G., Teo, Y., Chhay, V., Magkos, Faidon, Vidal-Puig, A., Seet, R. C. S. & Toh, S., 2020, I: B M J Open Diabetes Research & Care. 8, 1, 10 s., e000945.

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