Nutrition and Health

Our mission is to understand how better and more sustainable nutrition can optimize human health and prevent disease.

Research Groups

The section conducts high-quality research on the effects of nutrients, foods and diets in humans in different lifestages and metabolic conditions.

The aim is to improve public health and wellbeing, prevent disease and advance our understanding of nutritional issues and underlying mechanisms.

Our three research groups together provide a multidisciplinary and integrative approach to nutrition research and education.

The section carries out randomized controlled trials and cohort studies in humans with emphasis on nutrition and health.

Our research

  • relates to all lifestages, from pre-pregnancy to old age
  • includes healthy, at-risk and sick humans
  • includes humans with undernutrition, overweight and obesity and the associated metabolic phenotypes





  • Metabolomics
  • Biobank
  • Kitchen
  • Child examination 
  • Human intervention test facilities
  • Clinical tests
  • Surveys
  • Blood











The section offers courses at the following educations

BA level

  • Food Science and Nutrition (Fødevarer og Ernæring – website in Danish)
    Food Science is offered through a collaboration between the Department of Food Science, the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Food).

MSC level

Phd level

The section also teach at PhD courses and other courses.

See the full list of PhD courses offered by the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports.



Head of section: Professor Susanne Gjedsted Bügel

Section Secretary: Geske Louise Rune

Visiting address
Section for Nutrition and Health
Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports
Rolighedsvej 26
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C

Map of Frederiksberg Campus

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Section members

Nutrition section

Name Title Phone E-mail
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Gottlieb, Adam Duun Research Assistant E-mail
Gaafar, Ahmed Mamdouh Moustafa K PhD Fellow +4535327224 E-mail
Sjödin, Anders Mikael Professor Emeritus E-mail
Roskjær, Ann Bech Research Assistant +4535326279 E-mail
Eilersen, Anna Gro PhD Fellow +4535329906 E-mail
Raben, Anne Professor +4535333653 E-mail
Raabyemagle, Anne Marie Nutrition Consultant +4535332486 E-mail
Aurup, Anne Vedelsdal PhD Fellow +4535333223 E-mail
Vedelspang, Annette Nutrition Consultant +4535334616 E-mail
Larnkjær, Anni Academic Staff +4535333548 E-mail
Menadeva Karpantschof, Bat-El Academic Officer +4535334504 E-mail
Tefera, Beakal Zinab PhD Student E-mail
Philippi Rosane, Beatriz PhD Fellow +4535329842 E-mail
Grenov, Benedikte Associate Professor +4520456654 E-mail
Megersa, Bikila Soboka External Postdoc E-mail
Damsgaard, Camilla Trab Associate Professor +4535332221 E-mail
Maya, Cassandra Guest Researcher +4535327304 E-mail
Cuparencu, Catalina Sinziana Assistant Professor E-mail
Rasmussen, Cecilie Holm PhD Fellow +4535335827 E-mail
Mølgaard, Christian Professor +4535332516 E-mail
Hansen, Christian Leo Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Sahl, Christina Lund Biomedical Laboratory Scientist +4535330168 E-mail
Mogensen, Christina Sonne PhD Fellow +4535333284 E-mail
Højte, Christine Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Andersen, Clara Linnemann Visiting Student E-mail
Ibsen, Daniel Borch Guest Researcher E-mail
Stanley, Emily Louise Hansen Research Assistant +4535333571 E-mail
Henriksen, Esben Herborg Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Leedo-Townend, Eva Special Consultant +4535333568 E-mail
Magkos, Faidon Professor +4535333671 E-mail
Sandø-Pedersen, Finn IT Consultant +4535331479 E-mail
Bucci, Francesca PhD Fellow +4535335503 E-mail
Jensen, Frederik Holmegaard PhD Fellow +4535329622 E-mail
Haile, Getu Gizaw PhD Student E-mail
La Barbera, Giorgia Associate Professor E-mail
Stolberg-Mathieu, Gladys PhD Fellow +4535334217 E-mail
Ara, Gulshan PhD Student E-mail
Petersen, Hanne Lysdal Biomedical Laboratory Scientist +4535331088 E-mail
Friis, Henrik Professor +4535333860 E-mail
Roager, Henrik Munch Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535324928 E-mail
Rasmussen, Inge Birgit Biomedical Laboratory Scientist +4535332214 E-mail
Lewis, Jack Ivor Guest Researcher +4535335314 E-mail
Stanstrup, Jan Assistant Professor +4535332859 E-mail
Jørgensen, Jane Guldborg Biomedical Laboratory Scientist +4535332472 E-mail
Jensen, Jannie Wittrup Research Assistant E-mail
Bruun, Jens Meldgaard Affiliate Professor E-mail
Andersen, Jens Rikardt Associate Professor +4535332504 E-mail
Williams, Julie Margaret Biomedical Laboratory Scientist +4535336921 E-mail
Winther, Kaj Affiliate Professor E-mail
Michaelsen, Kim F. Professor Emeritus +4535332495 E-mail
Cridland, Kirstine Joo Biomedical Laboratory Scientist +4535332975 E-mail
Nielsen, Klara PhD Fellow +4535321549 E-mail
Kristensen, Kristine Marie Academic Research Staff +4535328867 E-mail
Dragsted, Lars Ove Professor +4535332694 E-mail
Matthiessen, Lea Ellen PhD Fellow +4535331227 E-mail
Ulrikkeholm, Line Kattai Academic Officer +4535328498 E-mail
Lauritzen, Lotte Professor +4535332508 E-mail
Jalili, Mahsa Assistant Professor +4535332653 E-mail
Skriver-Bayer, Malene Project Officer +4535331972 E-mail
Nygaard, Malene PhD Fellow +4535320266 E-mail
Jørgensen, Malte Studnitz PhD Fellow +4535328985 E-mail
Dijkhuizen, Marjoleine Amma Affiliate Associate Professor E-mail
Olsen, Mette Frahm Associate Professor +4528340979 E-mail
Roos, Nanna Associate Professor +4535332497 E-mail
Malla, Navodita Postdoc +4535326525 E-mail
Procházková, Nicola Guest Researcher +4535320472 E-mail
Giampaoli, Ottavia Visiting Student E-mail
Abagero, Rahma Ali PhD Student E-mail
Andersen, Sabina Stoffer Hjorth Enrolled PhD Student +4535336362 E-mail
Jacobsen, Sara Trainee E-mail
Henninger, Sofie Hauerberg Guest Researcher E-mail
Frost, Sofie Skov Biomedical Laboratory Scientist +4535320255 E-mail
Christensen, Sophie Hilario Postdoc +4535336691 E-mail
Stender, Steen Affiliate Professor +4535333162 E-mail
Bügel, Susanne Gjedsted Professor, Head of Section +4535332490 E-mail
Andresen, Søren Biomedical Laboratory Scientist +4535332468 E-mail
Boit, Tele Chepkoros PhD Fellow +4535334979 E-mail
Christoffersen, Tenna Mie Industrial PhD E-mail
Ekblond, Trine Spragge Enrolled PhD Student E-mail