PREVIEW: Prevention of diabetes through lifestyle intervention and population studies in Europe and around the world. Design, methods, and baseline participant description of an adult cohort enrolled into a three-year randomised clinical trial

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  • Mikael Fogelholm
  • Thomas Meinert Larsen
  • Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga
  • Ian Macdonald
  • J Alfredo Martinez
  • Nadka Boyadjieva
  • Sally Poppitt
  • Wolfgang Schlicht
  • Gareth Stratton
  • Jouko Sundvall
  • Tony Lam
  • Elli Jalo
  • Pia Christensen
  • Mathijs Drummen
  • Elizabeth M Simpson
  • Santiago Navas-Carretero
  • Teodora Handjieva-Darlenska
  • Roslyn Muirhead
  • Marta P Silvestre
  • Daniela Kahlert
  • Laura Pastor-Sanz
  • Jennie Brand-Miller

Type-2 diabetes (T2D) is one of the fastest growing chronic diseases worldwide. The PREVIEW project has been initiated to find the most effective lifestyle (diet and physical activity) for the prevention of T2D, in overweight and obese participants with increased risk for T2D. The study is a three-year multi-centre, 2 × 2 factorial, randomised controlled trial. The impact of a high-protein, low-glycaemic index (GI) vs. moderate protein, moderate-GI diet in combination with moderate or high-intensity physical activity on the incidence of T2D and the related clinical end-points are investigated. The intervention started with a two-month weight reduction using a low-calorie diet, followed by a randomised 34-month weight maintenance phase comprising four treatment arms. Eight intervention centres are participating (Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain, Bulgaria, Australia, and New Zealand). Data from blood specimens, urine, faeces, questionnaires, diaries, body composition assessments, and accelerometers are collected at months 0, 2, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36. In total, 2326 adults were recruited. The mean age was 51.6 (SD 11.6) years, 67% were women. PREVIEW is, to date, the largest multinational trial to address the prevention of T2D in pre-diabetic adults through diet and exercise intervention. Participants will complete the final intervention in March, 2018.

Udgave nummer6
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 2017

Bibliografisk note

CURIS 2017 NEXS 176

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