The SMILING project: a North-South-South collaborative action to prevent micronutrient deficiencies in women and young children in Southeast Asia

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Jacques Berger
  • Gentiane Blanchard
  • Maiza Campos Ponce
  • Chhoun Chamnan
  • Mary Chea
  • Marjoleine Dijkhuizen
  • Coleen Doak
  • Esmee Doets
  • Umi Fahmida
  • Elaine Ferguson
  • Paul Hulshof
  • Yves Kameli
  • Kuong Khov
  • Kongsap Akkhavong
  • Kounavong Sengchanh
  • Bach Mai Le
  • Thi Lua Tran
  • Siti Muslimatun
  • Roos, Nanna
  • Prak Sophonneary
  • Frank Wieringa
  • Emorn Wasantwisut
  • Pattanee Winichagoon
  • SMILING Consortium Group
The "Sustainable Micronutrient Interventions to Control Deficiencies and Improve Nutritional Status and General Health in Asia" project (SMILING), funded by the European Commission, is a transnational collaboration of research institutions and implementation agencies in five Southeast Asian countries--Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam--with European partners, to support the application of state-of-the art knowledge to alleviate micronutrient malnutrition in Southeast Asia.
Original languageEnglish
JournalFood and Nutrition Bulletin
Issue numberSuppl. 1
Pages (from-to)S133-S139
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2013

ID: 50896860