26. nov. 2012, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Efficacy and Safety of Low Energy Diets in the Treatment of Older Obese Individuals Pia Christensen is defending her PhD thesis: Efficacy and Safety of Low Energy Diets in the Treatment of Older Obese Individuals
22. nov. 2012, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Effects of intensified training on muscle ion transport proteins and kinetics Thomas P. Gunnarsson forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Effects of intensified training on muscle ion transport proteins and kinetics in relation to fatigue development and performance of endurance athletes and soccer players
12. okt. 2012, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Acute Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Energy Balance Lars Klingenberg is defending his PhD thesis: Acute Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Energy Balance
20. sept. 2012, kl. 14.30 Ph.d. forsvar: Regulation of TBC1D1 and TBC1D4 in skeletal muscle – From mouse to man Christian Kirkegaard Pehmøller forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Regulation of TBC1D1 and TBC1D4 in skeletal muscle
30. aug. 2012 Ph.d. forsvar: Strategic perspectives on antenatal care Sarah Fredsted Villadsen is defending her PhD thesis: Strategic perspectives on antenatal care. Development of a participatory antenatal care strengthening intervention in Jimma, Ethiopia
6. juli 2012 Ph.d. forsvar: The Double Burden Daniel Faurholt-Jepsen is defending his PhD thesis: The Double Burden. The role of diabetes for tuberculosis risk, manifestations, treatment outcomes and survival
5. juli 2012, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: The impact of the intrauterine environment, exercise and physical inactivity on the skeletal muscle AMPK system and downstream targets Brynjulf Mortensen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: The impact of the intrauterine environment, exercise and physical inactivity on the skeletal muscle AMPK system and downstream targets
31. maj 2012, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Fysisk aktivitet som forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende strategi Charlotte Østergaard forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Fysisk aktivitet som forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende strategi. En undersøgelse af fysisk aktivitet og idræt brugt som forebyggelse og sundhedsfremme i to udvalgte kommuner
29. maj 2012, kl. 10.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Blikke på skolen Lise Warren Pedersen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Blikke på skolen. Et procesorienteret studie af idrætsskolens betydning for Bellahøj Skole, samt idrætsskolens relationer i det kommunale og idrætsorganisatoriske felt.
3. maj 2012, kl. 13.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Regulation of lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle Mette Landau Brabæk Christiansen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Regulation of lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle - Insights from human cell culture and rodent models
16. marts 2012, kl. 12.30 Ph.d. forsvar: Role of metformin in regulation of AMPK activation, glucose uptake Jonas Møller Kristensen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Role of metformin in regulation of AMPK activation, glucose uptake and mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue
20. febr. 2012, kl. 14.00 Ph.d. forsvar: Cykelsport og askese Kristian Rasmussen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Cykelsport og askese. En analyse af cykelrytteres livspraksis