Water innovation in industrial symbiosis - A global review

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Motivated by the limited attention given to water management in industrial symbiosis research, this study presents the first global review of water innovation practices in the implemented industrial symbiosis cases reported in literature. We analyze the prevalence of global water innovation practices extending beyond the commonly used broad practices of water treatment and reuse to propose six categories, including utility sharing for alternative water supply, utility sharing for wastewater treatment, water recovery, energy recovery from water, material recovery from water, and material exchange to enhance water/wastewater treatment. Our findings highlight regional variations in adoption, with Asian and Europe showcasing diverse practices. Additionally, they indicate that most symbiosis cases center on the extensive role of public utilities and shared water facilities in pursuing water innovation, while ‘pure’ interfirm water-related symbiosis is limited. Finally, this review highlights extensive knowledge gaps and research needs in advancing sustainable water management and innovation in industrial symbiosis. Overall, our study contributes to the development of a comprehensive framework for water innovation practices in industrial symbiosis and emphasizes the need for future research in this area.

TidsskriftJournal of Environmental Management
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by Innovationsfonden project GreenTan (Green tanning technology to foster environmentally friendly transition and growth) through grant number 0177-00109A ; DANIDA project ERASE (Evaluation of Resource recovery Alternatives in South African water) through grant number 18-M09-DTU ; DANIDA project Gecko (Green and Circular Innovation for Kenyan Companies) through grant number 17-M05-DTU .

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors

ID: 374465320