dsSurvival: Privacy preserving survival models for federated individual patient meta-analysis in DataSHIELD

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  • Soumya Banerjee
  • Ghislain N Sofack
  • Thodoris Papakonstantinou
  • Avraam, Demetris
  • Paul Burton
  • Daniela Zöller
  • Tom R P Bishop

OBJECTIVE: Achieving sufficient statistical power in a survival analysis usually requires large amounts of data from different sites. Sensitivity of individual-level data, ethical and practical considerations regarding data sharing across institutions could be a potential challenge for achieving this added power. Hence we implemented a federated meta-analysis approach of survival models in DataSHIELD, where only anonymous aggregated data are shared across institutions, while simultaneously allowing for exploratory, interactive modelling. In this case, meta-analysis techniques to combine analysis results from each site are a solution, but an analytic workflow involving local analysis undertaken at individual studies hinders exploration. Thus, the aim is to provide a framework for performing meta-analysis of Cox regression models across institutions without manual analysis steps for the data providers.

RESULTS: We introduce a package (dsSurvival) which allows privacy preserving meta-analysis of survival models, including the calculation of hazard ratios. Our tool can be of great use in biomedical research where there is a need for building survival models and there are privacy concerns about sharing data.

TidsskriftBMC Research Notes
Udgave nummer1
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

© 2022. The Author(s).

ID: 310489327