Diffusion within pores fully revealed by magnetic resonance

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  • Evren Özarslan
  • Cem Yolcu
  • Alfredo Ordinola
  • Deneb Boito
  • Tom Dela Haije
  • Mathias Højgaard Jensen
  • Magnus Herberthson

The diffusion propagator fully characterizes the diffusion process, which is highly sensitive to the confining boundaries and the structure within enclosed pores. While magnetic resonance has extensively been used to observe various features of the diffusion process, its full characterization has been elusive. Here, we address this challenge by employing a special sequence of magnetic field gradient pulses for measuring the diffusion propagator, which allows for “listening to the drum,” mapping structural dispersity, and determining not only the pore’s shape but also diffusive dynamics within it.

TidsskriftJournal of Chemical Physics
Udgave nummer16
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
E.Ö. thanks Carl-Fredrik Westin for a stimulating conversation and Nicolas Moutal and Denis Grebenkov for sharing their code on diffusion separated by semi-permeable membranes. This research was funded by the Swedish Research Council (Dnr 2022-04715).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Author(s).

ID: 347297460