An (un)desirable trade of harms? How elite athletes might react to medically supervised ‘doping’ and their considerations of side-effects in this situation

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Background: The zero-tolerance approach to doping in sport has long been criticised. Legalising ‘doping’ under medical supervision has been proposed as a better way of protecting both athletes’ health and fair competition. This paper investigates how elite athletes might react if specific doping substances were permitted under medical supervision and explore athletes’ considerations about side-effects in this situation. The results are interpreted using a framework, which views elite sport as an exceptional and risky working environment. Methods: 775 elite athletes (mean age: 21.73, SD = 5.52) representing forty sports completed a web-based questionnaire (response rate: 51%) presenting a scenario of legalised, medically supervised ‘doping’. Results: 58% of athletes reported an interest in one or more of the 13 proposed substances/methods. Athletes’ interest in a specific product was linked to its capacity to enhance performance levels in the athletes’ particular sport and depended on gender and age. 23% showed interest in either one or more of erythropoietin (EPO), anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), blood transfusions and/or Growth Hormone if permitted and provided under qualified medical supervision. Male speed and power sports athletes of increasing age had the highest likelihood of being interested in AAS (41%, age 36), female motor-skill sports athletes had the lowest (
TidsskriftInternational Journal of Drug Policy
Sider (fra-til)14-30
StatusUdgivet - 2018
Eksternt udgivetJa


  • Anti-doping policy, Drug control model, Harm reduction, Health, Sport, The prohibited list

ID: 385644337