Dance On! Dancing through Life Burridge and Svendler Nielsen bring together many perspectives from around the world on dancing experiences through life of senior artists and educators, whether as professionals working with community dance groups, in…
Arts, Sustainability and Education The book examines trends in public policy measures in Europe. Offers innovative concepts on arts education and Education for Sustainable Development. Includes case studies combining arts, culture, science, and…
Dancing Across Borders: Perspectives on Dance, Young People and Change The book focuses on how dance can contribute to ’crossing borders’ of very different characters: Between academia and arts practice, between dance and different school subjects, between cultures of different countries a…
A Guide to Third Generation Coaching. Narrative-Collaborative Theory and Practice Third generation coaching proposes a form of dialogue where coach and coachee are focused on creating space for reflection through collaborative practices and less concerned with fabricating quick solutions. Aspiring to…
International anthology of research papers Dance, Acces and Inclusion was recently published by Routledge and edited by Associate Professor Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, contains contributions by 46 authors from 23…
The Art of Dialogue in Coaching. Towards Transformative Exchange In The Art of Dialogue in Coaching, Reinhard Stelter invites readers to engage in transformative and fruitful dialogues in everyday working life, and provides the theory and tools for them to be able to do so.