Communication Framework For the Mionix Naos QG Mouse: For Online and Offline Usage

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearch

The Mionix Naos QG mouse has multiple sensors
integrated. It can record all the metrics native to mice: being
scroll, clicks and mouse movements. Moreover, this mouse has
heart rate (HR) and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) sensors
embedded. Through Mionics API [1] WebSocket can be used to
access all its data. This access has been demonstrated through
Javascript in a local hosted webpage. In this page the
measurements can be recorded to a .txt file and streamed to
another .txt file. The latter file can be accessed in Unity to either
send the data further through UPD, use the data within Unity or
be recorded. Another Unity implementation have been developed
as well. This was directly connected to the WebSocket, and has
the same properties as the first Unity development. Since two
nearly identical implementations were made, the quality of their
recordings and data communication were tested. Based on the
test the Unity implementation, which was directly connected to
the Mionix HUB had higher GSR temporal accuracy, but showed
more errors in its data acquisition process. GitHub page with the
implementations can be found here:
Translated title of the contributionKommunikations rammeværk for Mionix Naos QG musen
Original languageEnglish
Article number1
JournalMedia and Cultural Studies
Pages (from-to)1-4
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2017

ID: 312110898