14. dec. 2020 "Brobygning mellem kommunale sundhedsforløb og civilsamfundet" (ONLINE) Fælles netværksmøde med fokus på sundhed. Arrangeret sammen med "Bevæg dig for livet". Mødet vil foregå online.
9. dec. 2020, kl. 10.00 PhD defence: The osteogenic stimulus of exercise Rizky Suganda Prawiradilaga is defending his PhD thesis: The osteogenic stimulus of exercise. Bone health and osteoporosis risk assessment in women
9. dec. 2020, kl. 9.00 PhD defence: Detection of blood volume manipulations and the physiological effect hereof Andreas H. Breenfeldt Andersen is defending his PhD thesis: Detection of blood volume manipulations and the physiological effect hereof: an evaluation of iron biomarkers
3. dec. 2020, kl. 16.00-17.30 Hvornår har vi brug for en teambaseret organisation? Nicolaj Suhr Jensen præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
20. nov. 2020, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Discovery of biomarkers for intake of heat-treated foods by untargeted metabolomics Xiaomin Zhou defending her PhD thesis: Discovery of biomarkers for intake of heat-treated foods by untargeted metabolomics
12. nov. 2020 Netværksmøde: Holdspil for unge – positive fællesskaber på ungdomsuddannelser Netværket inviteres til netværksmøde om "Holdspil for unge – positive fællesskaber på ungdomsuddannelser”. Hør om centrets udviklingsprojekt, resultater fra tidligere forskningsprojekter og deltag i debat og networking.
21. okt. 2020, kl. 16.00-17.30 Lederen mellem tvivl og handlekraft – om paradokser i det personlige lederskab Lotte Lüscher præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
30. sept. 2020, kl. 16.00-17.30 Dialogisk ledelse – at forandre i fællesskab Bjarne Stark præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis". Afholdes som Zoom møde.
10. sept. 2020, kl. 16.30-18.00 Personvurderinger - et levn fra fortiden Lars Lundmann præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
4. sept. 2020, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Efficacy of a Reduced Dose of RUTF in the Treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition Suvi Kangas is definding her PhD thesis: Efficacy of a Reduced Dose of RUTF in the Treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition: Implications for Anthropometry, Body Composition and Vitamin A and Iron Status
27. aug. 2020, kl. 14.00 PhD defence: Remote Functional Adaptations and Intercellular Crosstalk in the Human Vasculature Nicolai Rytter Mortensen is defending his PhD thesis: Remote Functional Adaptations and Intercellular Crosstalk in the Human Vasculature: Insight from Ischemic Preconditioning and Exercise.
25. aug. 2020, kl. 13.00-16.00 Netværksmøde: Inkluderende holdspil for mennesker med livsstilssygdomme Center for Holdspil og Sundhed afholder netværksmøde om "Inkluderende holdspil for mennesker med livsstilssygdomme". Hør om forskningsresultater, og deltag i debat og networking.
10. juni 2020, kl. 14.00 PhD defence: Novel molecular mechanisms in Rho GTPase-mediated regulation of muscle mass and insulin sensitivity Lisbeth Liliendal Valbjørn Møller is defending her PhD thesis: Novel molecular mechanisms in Rho GTPase-mediated regulation of muscle mass and insulin sensitivity: The role of RhoGDIα and group I PAKs
27. april 2020, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Effects of oily fish intake on children’s nutrient status, cardiometabolic health, sleep and physical activity Stine Vuholm is definding her PhD thesis: Effects of oily fish intake on children’s nutrient status, cardiometabolic health, sleep and physical activity
22. april 2020, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Cut down on carbohydrate in the dietary therapy of type 2 diabetes Mads Gustav Juul Skytteis defending his PhD thesis: Cut down on carbohydrate in the dietary therapy of type 2 diabetes; Mechanisms of effective therapy by selective choice of macronutrients
15. april 2020, kl. 14.00 PhD defence: Environmental heat stress and motor-cognitive performance Jacob Feder Piil is defending his PhD thesis: Environmental heat stress and motor-cognitive performance
13. marts 2020, kl. 13.00 PhD defence: Effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on neuropsychological function in children Marie Nygaard Teisen is definding her PhD thesis: Effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on neuropsychological function in children - Investigating effects of oily fish consumption on cognition, emotions,…
5. marts 2020, kl. 14.00-16.00 AKC Seminar: Day-night rhythm of skeletal muscle lipid and mitochondrial metabolism and its role in insulin resistance in humans Professor Patrick Schrauwen, NUTRIM school for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, Maastricht University, Netherlands presenting in August Krogh Club Seminar.
28. febr. 2020, kl. 15.15-17.00 August Krogh on Tour at SDU: Krogh’s Insights About the Microcirculation - Relevant a Century Later Venue: Odense. August Krogh on Tour with Professor Christopher Ellis, University of Western Ontario, Canada. Host: University of Southern Denmark as part of the August Krogh on Tour seminar series.
27. febr. 2020, kl. 14.15-16.00 August Krogh on Tour at AU: Krogh’s Insights About the Microcirculation - Relevant a Century Later Venue: Aarhus. August Krogh on Tour with Professor Christopher Ellis, University of Western Ontario, Canada. Host: Aarhus University as part of the August Krogh on Tour seminar series.
26. febr. 2020, kl. 14.00-16.00 August Krogh on Tour at KU: Krogh’s Insights About the Microcirculation - Relevant a Century Later Venue: Copenhagen. August Krogh on Tour with Professor Christopher Ellis, University of Western Ontario, Canada. Host: University of Copenhagen as part of the August Krogh on Tour seminar series.
25. febr. 2020, kl. 16.00-17.30 Stemmen er en sladrehank - Om stemmens psykologi i coaching og ledelse Lisbeth Hultmann præsenterer i foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis".
10. febr. 2020, kl. 14.00 PhD defence: Insulin action related to muscle hypertrophy and cancer Xiuqing Han is defending her PhD thesis: Insulin action related to muscle hypertrophy and cancer
7. febr. 2020, kl. 14.00 PhD defence: Improving time- and cost-efficiency in doping analysis Sara Amalie Solheim is defending her PhD thesis: Improving time- and cost-efficiency in doping analysis
28. jan. 2020, kl. 9.30-16.00 Holdspil og fællesskab skal løse sundhedsudfordringer i samfundet Deltag i seminar hos Center for Holdspil og Sundhed, og vær med til at drøfte og - i fællesskab - udvikle centrets nye aktiviteter.
24. jan. 2020, kl. 11.00 PhD defence: Effects of heat on behavioral and physiological mechanisms of the human thermoregulatory system during rest, exerc Leonidas G. Ioannou is defending his PhD thesis: Effects of heat on behavioral and physiological mechanisms of the human thermoregulatory system during rest, exercise, and work