Empowerment based Health Coaching for Patients with Diabetes Type II 

Coaching lecture series "Coaching - Research and Practice"

Dr. Ayse Basak Cinar

Dr. Ayse Basak Cinar, MSc in Behavioral Science, PhD from the University of Helsinki, internationally accredited coach (ICC), assistant professor at the Department of Odontology, KU.

Health Coaching (HC), a new patient-centered approach for transformation and maintenance of positive health behaviors, is directly associated with positive lifestyles (smoking cessation, obesity- and diabetes management). However, there is not any research on the impact of HC as a common health promotion approach at diabetes- and oral health management. What makes such a common approach so important? There is a bilateral interrelation between periodontitis and poor diabetes control. Diabetics are more likely to have periodontitis than those without. The aim of the presentation is to:

1. Explain what HC is and how it can be used as a common health promotion approach.

2. Discuss the results of Phase I (Turkey) of an international research study at the University of Copenhagen, which aims to assess the impact of HC on diabetes- and oral health management.

3. Share our expectations about Phase II (Denmark): That there will be similar results as in Turkey; significantly higher improvement of biological markers (HbA1c, periodontitis) and lifestyle (stress, physical activity) in the coaching group compared to the education group (http://videnskab.dk/kort-nyt/forskere-motiverer-diabetespatienter-til-sundere-taender).

Store Auditorium, Institut for Idræt og Ernæring, Nørre Allé 53, 2200 København N

Sign up
Participation is free of charge, but we kindly ask you to sign up here (danish).

Further information
Reinhard Stelter
Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Copenhagen

The lecture is part of a series of lectures titled "Coaching - research and
practice", which is sponsored by the EMCC. The lecture series aims to build a bridge between research and praxis in coaching and at the same time embed coaching practices in the research discourse. The intention is to hear from researchers, who explore coaching from a business, health or sports related angle. The Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Copenhagen was established in order to launch and coordinate interdisciplinary research, education and dissemination in coaching.