ACTIVE SCHOOL is a research project, that develops novel approaches to increase physical activity in school-children.

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The overall goal is to generate knowledge which can help schools staff and pupils to gain the maximal benefit from physical activity on academic performance, and other parameters such as well-being, motivation, physical and mental health.

ACTIVE SCHOOL will develop school-based, PA interventions based on the current scientific evidence in close collaboration with school-staff and students, and thereafter investigate the effects of these interventions on academic performance in a large, school-based cluster-randomized controlled trial (RCT).

The target group of ACTIVE SCHOOL is 3th grade pupils.





Jeppesen, L.S., Bugge, A., Smedegaard, S., Wienecke, J., Melcher, J.S., ‘Developing ACTIVE SCHOOL—The Design Process for Two School-Based Physical Activity Interventions’, Translational Journal of the ACSM.

Jeppesen, L.S., Damsgaard, L., Stolpe, M.N. Melcher, J.S., Wienecke, J., Nielsen, G., Smedegaard, S., Henriksen, A.H., Hansen, R.A., Hillman, C.H., Tammelin, T., Resaland, G.K., Daly Smith, A., Bugge, A.Study protocol for the ACTIVE SCHOOL study investigating two different strategies of physical activity to improve academic performance in Schoolchildren’. BMC Pediatrics.



Involved in the project


Name Title Phone E-mail
Jeppesen, Lise Sohl Guest Researcher +4535321537 E-mail
Wienecke, Jacob Associate Professor +4535327346 E-mail


Name Institution E-mail
Anna Bugge University College Copenhagen

Funded by

Independent Research Fund Denmark

Project period: 2021 – 2025.



Telephone +45 4189 8573.