FiSK Junior - Effekten af fed fisk og fjerkræ

Forskningsprojektet blev udført i 2016-2020 og er afsluttet.

Projektet FiSK Junior omfattede 200 raske danske børn i alderen 8-9 år.

Forskningsprojektet blev ledet af lektor Camilla T. Damsgaard.

Fotograf: Jakob Helbig









Online foredrag med hovedresultaterne
























Vuholm S, Teisen MN, Buch NG, Stark KD, Jakobsen J, Mølgaard C, Lauritzen L and Damsgaard CT. Is high oily fish intake achievable and how does it affect nutrient status in 8-9-year-old children? – The FiSK Junior Trial. Eur J Nutr 2020; 59: 1205-1218.

Vuholm S, Rantanen JM, Teisen MN, Stark KD, Mølgaard C, Christensen JH, Lauritzen L and Damsgaard CT. Effects of oily fish intake on cardiometabolic markers in healthy 8-9-year-old children: The FiSK Junior randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2020; 110: 1296-1305.

Vuholm S, Teisen MN, Mølgaard, C, Lauritzen L and Damsgaard CT. Sleep and physical activity in healthy 8-9-year-old children are affected by oily fish consumption in the FiSK Junior randomized trial. Eur J Nutr 2021; 60:3095-3106

Teisen MN, Niclasen J, Vuholm S, Lundbye-Jensen J, Stark KD, Damsgaard CT, Geertsen SS and Lauritzen L. Exploring correlations between neuropsychological measures and domain-specific consistency in associations with n-3 LCPUFA status in 8-9 year-old boys and girls. PLoS One 2019; 14: e0216696.

Teisen MN, Vuholm S, Niclasen J, Aristizabal-Henao JJ, Stark KD, Geertsen SS, Damsgaard CT and Lauritzen L. Effects of oily fish intake on cognitive and socioemotional function in healthy 8-9-year-old children: The FiSK Junior randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2020; 112: 74-83.

Teisen MN, Vuholm S, Rantanen JM, Christensen JH, Damsgaard CT and Lauritzen L. Exploring the effects of fish consumption on measures of acute and long-term stress in healthy 8-9-year-old children: the FiSK Junior randomized trial. Brit J Nutr 2020; 126:1194-1202.

Artikel af Stine Vuholm og Camilla Trab Damsgaard I Diætisten nr. 157, februar 2019: Kan citizen science give os ny viden om danskernes fiskeindtag? side 7-11.









Involverede i projektet

Navn Titel Telefon E-mail
Camilla Trab Damsgaard Lektor +4535332221 E-mail
Christian Mølgaard Professor +4535332516 E-mail
Lotte Lauritzen Professor +4535332508 E-mail

Støttet af


Projektperiode: 2016 - 2020.


Camilla Trab Damsgaard