To launch and coordinate interdisciplinary research, education and dissemination in coaching, coaching psychology and related fields
Re-authoring coaching
Coaching lecture series "Coaching - Research and Practice"
Dr Chené Swart
Dr Chené Swart, who works as a consultant, coach, facilitator and trainer in her own company “Transformations” and is the author of the book “Re-authoring the World”. In Denmark, Chené collaborates with Kaospiloterne.
Re-authoring Coaching invites an alternative story into the relationship between the coach and coachee. It also provides the practices and lens that invites transformation as a participant into this coaching relationship. As we journey together we will ask the following questions: How can we understand and work with the multiplicity of stories of individuals? How can coaching facilitate the co-creation of alternative narratives in coaching conversations? How can we identify and interact with the taken-for-granted ideas and beliefs in coaching conversations that do not collude with the dominant discourses? How do we invite a community to journey with us?
Store Auditorium, Institut for Idræt og Ernæring, Nørre Allé 53, 2200 København N
Sign up
Participation is free of charge, but we kindly ask you to sign up here (danish).
Further information
Reinhard Stelter
Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Copenhagen
The lecture is part of a series of lectures titled "Coaching - research and
practice", which is sponsored by the EMCC. The lecture series aims to build a bridge between research and praxis in coaching and at the same time embed coaching practices in the research discourse. The intention is to hear from researchers, who explore coaching from a business, health or sports related angle. The Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Copenhagen was established in order to launch and coordinate interdisciplinary research, education and dissemination in coaching.
Coaching lecture series
The series of lectures "Coaching - research and practice" aims to build a bridge between research and praxis in coaching and related fields and at the same time embed coaching practices in the research discourse.
The intention is to hear from researchers and reflective practitioners, who explore coaching and related topics from a business, health or sports related angle.
The Danish branch of EMCC – The European Mentoring and Coaching Council, sponsors the series of lectures and webinars.
The lecture series is sponsored by EMCC Denmark.