Embodiment, Learning and Social Change

Pedagogical, psychological and practice based research in sport and movement settings and educational contexts.

Embodiment, Learning and Social Change aims to create and document processes of change in relation to movement, learning and social development with various groups in diverse national and international contexts.



Helle Winther

Head of research group

Helle Winther
Associate Professor

Members of research group


Name Title Phone E-mail
Charlotte Svendler Nielsen Associate Professor +4535320830 E-mail
Glen Nielsen Associate Professor +4535320869 E-mail
Helle Winther Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535320806 E-mail
Maise Johansen Research Assistant E-mail
Mette Lindholm Kurtzhals PhD Fellow +4535327681 E-mail
Steen Ingemann Jørgensen PhD Student E-mail
Stefano De Dominicis Associate Professor +4535326016 E-mail


Name Title Institution E-mail
Line Fredens PhD student Danish School of Education


Mie Maar Andersen PhD student Elsass Fonden
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Anna Pouplier
Ph.d. studerende
PhD student Rigshospitalets Paediatric Oncology Research Laboratory (Bonkolab) anna.pouplier@regionh.dk
Sisse Winther Oreskov PhD student Professionshøjskolen Absalon and Designskolen Kolding swo@pha.dk