Young people's participation in physical activity: A quantitative study of 15-19 year-olds in a Danish gymnasium

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

The paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in a Danish Gymnasium. The purpose of the survey was to gain knowledge on the perspectives of the students regarding physical education, exercise and health. Other studies have examined the views of young people regarding PE and health (Smith & Parr, 2007; Smith, Thurston, Lamb, & Green, 2007). However, this study concerns the Danish PE-model which is gender integrated. The results of the survey is discussed in a figurational perspective (Elias, 1978, 1994 (1939)) viewing school, leisure, spare time jobs and cultural norms as interdependent dimensions influencing young people’s participation in, and views on physical education, exercise and health. These aspects all characterize the lives of young people more broadly, and are important to gain understanding about their shared, but also gender specific, opinions and priorities regarding physical activity. 469 students participated in the survey. It is carried out through the online program SurveyXact. The data is processed in SPSS, and subsequently discussed. The primary results reveal that spare time jobs have a large impact on young people’s participation in physical activity; Shame has an immense influence on the girls’ participation in physical activity; The offers regarding physical activity, provided by the school, appeal more to the boys and the students who are already physically active. Consequently, the students express a wish to have more influence on physical activity and health in their environment. Furthermore, most of the students would like to become healthier or more active, and they see the school and their parents as important factors in helping them get there. Conclusively, aspects like school, leisure, spare time jobs and cultural norms shape the lives of young people today. This means that participation in physical activity cannot be discussed independently, but must always be viewed within the context of the lives of young people today.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2012
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventThe 26th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association - Reykjavik, Iceland
Duration: 15 Aug 201218 Aug 2012


ConferenceThe 26th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association

ID: 173020588