Faidon Magkos

Faidon Magkos


Updated: 20-Oct-2023

Education & degrees

B.Sc. in Human Nutrition & Clinical Dietetics (2000)
M.Sc. in Nutrition and Exercise (2004)
Ph.D. in Human Metabolism (2008)


2008-2009: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Dept of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University (Athens, Greece).
2010–2011: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA).
2011–2015: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Center for Human Nutrition, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (MO).
2015–2018: Assistant Professor of Physiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore & Principal Investigator, Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, A*Star.
2018–2022: Associate Professor in Obesity and Energy Balance, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen (Denmark).
2022–present: Professor in Obesity and Metabolism, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen (Denmark).
2023–present: Honorary Professor, Division of Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University College London, UCL (United Kingdom).

Research output

210 papers total: 134 original research articles, 62 reviews, 11 editorials and 3 letters to the editor.
Leading author in 76 papers and second in 42; senior author in 42.
Average IF2022 = 7.1 (median = 5.8). 

Researcher profiles

Web of Science/Publons

Google Scholar

Citation metrics

Web of Science: 10,220; h-index=48
Elsevier Scopus: 11,490; h-index=53
SciVal FWCI (circa 2018-2022) = 3.0

Google Scholar: 18,173; h-index=63; i10-index=149
Elsevier composite impact indicator (c-score): Part of the World’s Top 2% Most-Cited Scientists for career-long (top 1.3%) and single most recent year (top 0.3%) impact in the primary field of expertise (Endocrinology & Metabolism).


Cumulatively, total: € 22,440,460
> as PI/Co-PI: € 7,735,190
> as Co-I: € 14,705,270 

Book chapters, scientific conferences & seminars

11 book chapters
41 poster presentations

11 oral presentations
35 invited lectures

Editorial activities

> Editorial board member: Diabetes (2022-); American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2020-); Metabolism (2011-2021); Nutrients (2021-); Metabolism Open (2019-)
Associate editor: Clinical Nutrition (2022-); Frontiers in Nutrition (2019-); Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care (2020-); Current Nutrition Reports (2021-)
> Peer-reviewer for 67 international journals and 7 funding organizations
> External board member for 10 academic institutions


> Committed to daily exercise; come rain, snow or shine.
> Enjoy riding all sorts of boards (skate, snow, wake) whenever the opportunity presents itself.

ID: 200707434