6 September 2017

International anthology of research papers Dance, Acces and Inclusion


International anthology of research papers Dance, Acces and Inclusion, recently published by Routledge and edited by Associate Professor Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, NEXS, contains contributions by 46 authors from 23 countries.

Frontpage of Dance, Access and InclusionDance initiatives throughout the world have a crucial role in empowering young people with special needs.

Inclusive pedagogy that involve all students in rich, equitable and just dance programmes within education frameworks is occurring alongside enabling projects by community groups and in the professional dance world where many high-profile choreographers actively seek opportunities to work across diversity to inspire creativity.

Access and inclusion is increasingly the essence of projects for disenfranchised and traumatised youth who find creative expression, freedom and hope through dance.

This volume foregrounds dance for young people with special needs and presents best practice scenarios in schools, communities and the professional sphere. International perspectives come from Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Denmark, Fiji, Finland, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Timor Leste, the UK and the USA.

Read more about Dance, Access and Inclusion.


Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, csnielsen@nexs.ku.dk
