Jens Bangsbo

Jens Bangsbo

Centerleder, professor, Professor

  1. Udgivet

    The effect of repeated periods of speed endurance training on performance, running economy and muscle adaptations

    Skovgaard, C., Almquist, N. W. & Bangsbo, Jens, 1 feb. 2018, I: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 28, 2, s. 381-390 10 s.

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  2. Udgivet

    The effect of severe exercise on fatique and anaerobic energy production during subsequent intense exercise - the importance of active recovery

    Bangsbo, Jens, Johansen, L. & Saltin, B., 1992, Science and Football II. London, England: E., s. 107-113

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  3. Udgivet

    The effect of short-term intense soccer-specific exercise on technical performance in soccer

    Rostgaard, T., Iaia, F. M. & Bangsbo, Jens, 2009, Science and Football VI: the proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Science and Football. Reilly, T. & Korkusuz, F. (red.). Taylor & Francis, s. 314-317 4 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    The effect of two speed endurance training regimes on performance of soccer players

    Iaia, F. M., Fiorenza, Matteo, Perri, E., Alberti, G., Millet, G. P. & Bangsbo, Jens, 2015, I: P L o S One. 10, 9, 16 s., e0138096.

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  5. Udgivet

    The effects of 52 weeks of soccer or resistance training on body composition and muscle function in +65-year-old healthy males: A randomized controlled trial

    Rostgaard Andersen, T., Schmidt, J. F., Pedersen, Mogens Theisen, Krustrup, P. & Bangsbo, Jens, 2016, I: P L o S One. 11, 2, 18 s., e0148236.

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  6. Udgivet

    The effects of a single versus three consecutive sessions of football training on postprandial lipemia: A randomized, controlled trial in healthy, recreationally active males

    Paul, D. J., Bangsbo, Jens, Cherif, A. & Nassis, G. P., 2019, I: Sports Medicine - Open. 5, 10 s., 38.

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  7. Udgivet

    The maximal and sub-maximal versions of the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test level 2 are simply reproducible, sensitive and valid

    Bradley, P. S., Mascio, M. D., Bangsbo, Jens & Krustrup, P., 2012, I: European Journal of Applied Physiology. 112, 5, s. 1973-1975 3 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    The mechanistic bases of the power-time relationship: Muscle metabolic responses and relationships to muscle fibre type

    Vanhatalo, A., Black, M. I., DiMenna, F. J., Blackwell, J. R., Schmidt, J. F., Thompson, C., Wylie, L. J., Mohr, M., Bangsbo, Jens, Krustrup, P. & Jones, A. M., 2016, I: The Journal of Physiology. 594, 15, s. 4407-4423 17 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    The muscular system: design, function, and performance relationships

    Aagaard, P. & Bangsbo, Jens, 2006, ACSM's advanced exercise physiology. Tipton, C. M. (red.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams /, s. 144-160

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  10. Udgivet

    The physiological profile of soccer players

    Bangsbo, Jens, 1998, I: Sports exercise and injury. 4, 4, s. 144-150 7 s.

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