Charlotte Svendler Nielsen

Charlotte Svendler Nielsen


  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    Crossing borders of ‘place’ and ‘space’ to open new understandings of meanings of the cultural, the aesthetic and the arts in education

    Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte, 2023, I: International Journal for Research in Cultural, Aesthetic, and Arts Education. 1, 1, s. 86-89

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  3. Udgivet

    Troubling dance education from a Nordic policy perspective: A field with cross-sectoral potential?

    Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte, Høeg Karlsen, K., Østern, T. P., Anttila, E. & Martin, R., 2023, I: Dance Articulated. 9, 1, s. 11-30

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  4. 2022
  5. Udgivet

    Changing life perspectives: Conversations from a microtopia of integrated arts education in a South African primary school

    Samuel, G. M. & Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte, 2022, Doing Performative Social Science: Creativity in Doing Research and Reaching Communities. Jones, K. (red.). London: Routledge, s. 109-122 14 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Desiderata: Dancing social cohesion in Cape Town

    Samuel, G. M. & Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte, 2022, Educating for Peace through Theatrical Arts: International Perspectives on Peacebuilding Instruction. Carter, C. C. & Guerra, R. B. (red.). New York: Routledge, s. 146-158 13 s.

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  7. Udgivet


    Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte, Tjarve, B. & Kunda, I., 2022, I: Culture Crossroads. 20, s. 5-6 2 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Resilience in an embodied perspective: The impact of integrated arts education on experiences of South African primary school children post COVID-19 lockdown

    Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte, Hartman, L., Hartzenberg, F. & Samuel, G. M., 2022, I: Culture Crossroads. 20, s. 20-45 26 s.

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  9. 2021
  10. Udgivet


    Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte & Vedel, Karen Arnfred, 12 jan. 2021, Børnekultur i Danmark 1945-2020. Gad, Bind Gads Forlag. s. 172-186 14 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    A microtopia of arts education: International sustainable development policy brought to life in an educational project involving institutions in South Africa and Denmark

    Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte, Samuel, G. M., Vadim, P., Hartman, L., Hartzenberg, F. & Gerlach-Hansen, O., 2021, Arts, Sustainability and Education: ENO Yearbook 2. Wagner, E., Svendler Nielsen, C., Veloso, L., Suominen, A. & Pachova, N. (red.). Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media, s. 173-193 21 s. (Yearbook of the European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education (ENO), Bind 2).

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  12. Udgivet

    Arts, Sustainability and Education: ENO Yearbook 2

    Wagner, E. (red.), Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte (red.), Veloso, L. (red.), Suominen, A. (red.) & Pachova, N. (red.), 2021, Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media. 370 s. (Yearbook of the European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education (ENO), Bind 2).

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportAntologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  13. Udgivet

    Arts, sustainability and education

    Wagner, E., Svendler Nielsen, Charlotte, Veloso, L., Suominen, A. & Pachova, N., 2021, Arts, Sustainability and Education: ENO Yearbook 2. Wagner, E., Svendler Nielsen, C., Veloso, L., Suominen, A. & Pachova, N. (red.). Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media, s. vii-x 4 s. (Yearbook of the European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education (ENO), Bind 2).

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