Quantum Equation of Motion with Orbital Optimization for Computing Molecular Properties in Near-Term Quantum Computing

Publikation: Working paperPreprintForskning


Determining the properties of molecules and materials is one of the premier applications of quantum computing. A major question in the field is how to use imperfect near-term quantum computers to solve problems of practical value. Inspired by the recently developed variants of the quantum counterpart of the equation-of-motion (qEOM) approach and the orbital-optimized variational quantum eigensolver (oo-VQE), we present a quantum algorithm (oo-VQE-qEOM) for the calculation of molecular properties by computing expectation values on a quantum computer. We perform noise-free quantum simulations of BeH2 in the series of STO-3G/6-31G/6-31G* basis sets, H4 and H2O in 6-31G using an active space of four electrons and four spatial orbitals (8 qubits) to evaluate excitation energies, electronic absorption, and for twisted H4, circular dichroism spectra. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can reproduce the results of conventional classical CASSCF calculations for these molecular systems.
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 19 dec. 2023

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