Inflammatory markers as correlates of body composition and grip strength among adults with and without HIV: A cross-sectional study in Ethiopia

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Background: Changes in body composition and muscle strength are common among individuals with HIV. We investigated the associations of inflammation with body composition and grip strength in adults with and without HIV.

Methods: Cross-sectional study among Ethiopian treatment-naïve individuals with and without HIV. Fat mass and fat-free mass adjusted for height (kg/m2) were used as indicators of body composition.

Results: 288/100 individuals with/without HIV were included between July 2010 and August 2012. Females with HIV had lower fat mass index (FMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI) than females without HIV, whereas no difference was seen between males with and without HIV. Males and females with HIV had lower grip strength than their counterparts without HIV. Serum alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (s-AGP) was negatively correlated with FMI (-0.71 kg/m2, 95% CI: -1.2; -0.3) among individuals with HIV, and those with HIV and serum C-reactive protein (s-CRP) ≥ 10 mg/l had 0.78 kg/m2 (95% CI -1.4; -0.2) lower FMI than those with s-CRP < 10 mg/l. In contrast, s-AGP was positively correlated with FMI (2.09 kg/m2, 95% CI 0.6; 3.6) in individuals without HIV. S-CRP and AGP were negatively associated with grip strength in individuals with HIV, while no correlation was observed among those without HIV.

Conclusion: Inflammation was positively associated with FMI in individuals without HIV while it was negatively associated with FMI in those with HIV, indicating that inflammation may be one of the drivers of depleting energy reserves among treatment-naïve individuals with HIV. Inflammation was associated with decreased muscle quantity and functional capacity among individuals with HIV, but not in those without HIV.

TidsskriftEuropean Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Sider (fra-til)973–978
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

CURIS 2022 NEXS 026
© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.

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