Personal Leadership in Changing Times: The perspective of third generation coaching as a reflective practice

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Reinhard Stelter - Oplægsholder

    The presentation will highlight three central arguments for the importance of coaching in the area of leadership:
    • Societal challenges
    • The development of knowledge, learning and competencies
    • New challenges in leadership
    Reinhard Stelter will show that leadership is under pressure. We are moving away from role-based leadership and moving towards specific competency in personal leadership. Leaders are requested to handle the borderline between role and person. Personal leadership becomes a social competency. If leaders want to include coaching as part of their leadership, coaching has to become a reflective practice where the leader becomes a dialogical partner in a “genuine dialogue” inspired by third generation coaching. Limits and ethical issues have to be discussed when coaching becomes a part of leadership

    European Commission _ Dep. of Learning and Development
    10 apr. 2014

    Ekstern organisation

    NavnUnknown external organisation

    ID: 110458681