Power of Food – Network launch!

Join us for the launch event of “The Power of Food” Network!

POF illustration

The Power of Food aspires to connect experts across key disciplines that influence dietary choice, creating synergy between food science, nutrition, health, epidemiology as well as social and behavioral sciences to develop inter-disciplinary research proposals.

Our vision is to

i) highlight the need for funding opportunities to address the grey zone between food and medicine.

ii) establish a forum of experts to participate in funding applications and serve as brainstorming partners to foster synergies between these disciplines.

The event includes

  1. An open session showcasing keynote speakers, open discussions with funders, and the possibility to network with members.
  2. A closed session (incl. dinner) where network members collaborate to share knowledge and develop project ideas.

If you are interested to register as network member, reach out to us by email (pof@ku.dk). A limited number of membership registrations will be available on the day.


Open session:
Thursday 5 December 2024, 11:45 to 17:30

Closed session (members only*):
Thursday 5 December 2024, 18:00 to 21:00 (including dinner)
Friday 6 December 2024, 08:30 - 12:00
* We accept a limited number of membership registrations during the open session


Danish Cancer Institute (Strandboulevarden 49, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark)


Participation is free, but registration is required.

Deadline: 24 November 2024


The Power of Food Network, spin-out of the University of Copenhagen Initiative 'Future Prevention & Health'

Associate Professor Iben Lykke Petersen, Department of Food Science.

Professor Morten Arendt Rasmusen, Department of Food Science.

Assistant Professor Catalina Cuparencu, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports.

Professor Hanne Frøkiær, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.

Postdoc Agnetha Linn Rostgaard-Hansen, Danish Cancer Institute.


Mail: pof@ku.dk