Concentrations of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein, soluble CD14 and plasma lipids in relation to endotoxaemia in patients with alcoholic liver disease

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There is increasing evidence that gut leakage in persons with chronic alcohol misuse leads to endotoxaemia, which might contribute to the development of alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis. In addition, it was recently shown that the endotoxin-binding capacity of whole blood is reduced in these patients. To analyse this phenomenon, we measured the concentration of functionally important endotoxin-binding plasma components which modify the action of endotoxin. In patients with minimal (n = 10), intermediate (n = 9), and cirrhotic alcoholic liver disease (n = 11), and healthy controls (n = 11), plasma endotoxin was determined in a limulus assay. The concentration of lipoproteins was assessed by measuring apolipoproteins, the other factors were directly measured in immunoassays. In the entire group of alcoholics, endotoxin and the concentration of binding factors that are involved in the action of endotoxin on its target cells (LPS-binding protein and sCD14) were increased. Endotoxin antagonists, such as bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein and high-density lipoprotein, were increased in the pre-cirrhotic stages, whereas a significant reduction of the latter was observed in cirrhosis. Low-density lipoprotein remained unchanged. The elevation of binding factors in the pre-cirrhotic stages of alcoholic liver disease might attenuate the effects of endotoxaemia, whereas in cirrhosis the reduction of high density lipoprotein, to which large quantities of endotoxin bind, may contribute to its pro-inflammatory effects.

TidsskriftAlcohol and Alcoholism
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)81-86
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2002
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note


ID: 306590400