Minding our Brain and Heart to Master Positive Change

Foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis"

Workshop med Dr. Linda Page

What does it mean to achieve our full potential? Neuroscience research supports a systemic approach that sees mind, brain, and relationships as mutually reinforcing and necessary for health and wellbeing. The explosion of interest in brain science not only feeds our curiosity about how we operate, it gives us much more specific guidance about how to reach our potential and how to increase that potential, both as individuals and as organizations.

In this presentation, participants will learn cutting edge techniques to boost competence and encourage change:
ways to maximize the power of your brain to overcome stress and meet challenges with renewed strength and vigor a formula to enable you to use your mind to become a change master a brain-wise model for identifying why relationships go so wrong and how to right them.


22. juni 2009, workshop fra 9.30-16.00

Linda Page, PhD  from Princton University, M.A . in counseling psychology. President and Founder of the Adler School of Professional Studies in Toronto, Canada. With David Rock, Dr.Page co-authored Coaching with the Brain in Mind: Foundations for Practice (Wiley, June 2009).

Workshoppen finder sted på

Institut for Idræt, Københavns Universitet, Karnapsalen, Nørre Allé 53, 1. sal, 2200 København N


Workshop deltagergebyr inklusive dagsforplejning: 1800,- kr.


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