Narrative coaching – Theoretical foundations and application
Foredragsrække "Coaching - forskning og praksis"
Ho Law
Ho Law, PhD, Chartered Occupational Psychologist, a founding member of the Special Group Coaching Psychology in the British Psychological Society, co-author of “The Psychology of Coaching, Mentoring and Learning” (Wiley), has over 20 years experience in central government and private practice.
Narrative coaching is for enhancing well-being and performance of individuals or groups within organisational/community settings through story-telling.
Its theoretical foundation is rooted in cultural anthropology (Turner, 1967 & Myerhoff, 1982) and psychology of learning (Vygotsky’s (1926) proximal development).
It has diverse applications including 1 to 1 personal and executive coaching, group and community coaching as well as coaching in the educational setting for parents and children. This lecture would expand on the theories and practices of narrative coaching.
Forelæsningen finder sted på
H.C. Ørsteds Instituttet, Universitetsparken 5, Auditorium 6
I samarbejde med Copenhagen Coaching Center, European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC), Center for Kunst og Lederskab, CBS, og Selskab for Evidensbaseret Coaching (SEBC).
Coaching Psychology Unit University of Copenhagen blev etableret for at igangsætte og koordinere tværfaglig forskning, samt uddannelse og formidling inden for coaching. I samarbejde med Copenhagen Coaching Center og Center for Kunst og Lederskab, CBS, er det vores ambition at oprette en Master i Coaching med studiestart i september 2009.
Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig.
Yderligere information
Reinhard Stelter
Coaching Psychology Unit University of Copenhagen
Institut for Idræt, Københavns Universitet
Forelæsningsrækken har til formål at bygge bro mellem forskning og praksis inden for coaching og samtidigt forankre coachingpraksisser i forskningsdiskursen. Intentionen er at give ord til forskere, der belyser coaching i en erhvervs-, sundheds eller sportsrelateret sammenhæng.