
Career day – Human Nutrition Students

Date: 6 May from 4:00 til 6:00 pm.

Venue: Frb. Campus lecture hall, A2-70.01, Thorvaldsensvej 40, Frederiksberg.

Deadline 30 April 2024


  1. Welcome by Benedikte Grenov
  2. SCIENCE student services - Anna Sisse Krog Lind - Career Planning
    1. What can make a difference when you apply for your first job (based on statistics and research at KU)
    2. How can you prepare for your first job during your studies?
    3. How can Student Service help you?
    4. How can unions and unemployment funds help you move on?
    5. Questions and answers
  1. Presentations by young former Human Nutrition students (job function, how you ended where you are now, recommendations to HN candidates seeking their first job)
    1. Emma Cardona Roca, Director, Clinical Operations 5, Diabetes, Novo Nordisk
    2. Katerina Hartmann Nielsen, Teacher, Health, SOSU H
    3. Adam Fogarasi, Associate Nutrition Researcher, Arla Foods
    4. Questions and answers

Closing remarks, Benedikte Grenov

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