Information for prospective students
The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports offers a wide range of different study programmes.
- Bachelor in Exercise and Sport Sciences (Idræt og fysisk aktivitet – website in Danish)
- Food Science and Nutrition (Fødevarer og Ernæring – website in Danish)
Food Science is offered through a collaboration between the Department of Food Science, the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Food).
- Human Physiology (Human Fysiologi – website in Danish)
- Humanities and Social Sports Sciences (Humanistisk-samfundsvidenskabelig idrætsvidenskab – website in Danish)
- Human Nutrition
- Food Innovation and Health
Food Innovation and Health is offered through a collaboration between the Department of Food Science and the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports.
Other types of education
The PhD programme at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports follows the rules and regulations of the PhD School of SCIENCE.
For further enquiry you can contact the department at
The single-subject courses are integrated into our study programmes within sports science and nutrition.
Many of these courses can be taken by anyone, on the condition that they meet certain basic requirements.
You can read much more about our single-subject courses here.