Collaboration and consultancy

The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports generates new and valuable knowledge that contributes to increased growth and employment in society. 


The interaction with the surrounding society is a core activity for the department, and we attach considerable importance to the relation we have with organisations, municipalities, regions, foundations, businesses and public authorities.

The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports has a strong tradition for external collaboration at many levels – from informal knowledge exchange to implementation, consultancy, public-sector services and joint research projects. We also establish contact between our students and private and public companies for the benefit of both parties.

The overarching objective for the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports is to contribute to address the challenges facing society within our fields of work. We also give priority to stimulating innovation, where our research results form the basis for new solutions that further development and create added value.

The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports has approximately 900 students on our Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and continuing education programmes. Many of our students do internships, projects or write their final Master’s thesis in collaboration with a company or an organisation.

This is a unique opportunity for prospective employers to draw on the latest knowledge, to expand their networks and to assess potential employees. The collaboration also gives students a sense of the life that awaits them after they have completed their studies. 


The student participates in a company’s daily activities within the framework of an internship agreement. The company makes a supervisor available. The student receives the state education grant (SU). Read more about internships.

Bachelor project/Master’s thesis

The student undertakes a specific assignment or researches an academic topic by mutual agreement. The company makes a supervisor available. The student receives the state education grant (SU). The project concludes either the Bachelor’s or the Master’s degree programme.

Project in Practice

As above, but as an elective subject in the course of the programme. The student receives the state education grant (SU) while doing the project in practice.

Industrial PhD

The industrial PhD and industrial postdoc schemes provide funding to make it possible to recruit a researcher for a specific project that may generate new knowledge and/or patents. Read more at the University of Copenhagen’s portal for business collaboration.

Student job

Students complete assignments by agreement with the businesses/organisations, for which they are paid a salary. Student jobs are often part-time. Read more at UCPH Projects & Jobs.

You can find out more about different types of collaboration from programme coordinator, Marianne Støckel.

On the Faculty of Science page, you can read more about the advantages of collaborating with students. 

At UCPH Projects & Jobs, companies can advertise internships, suggestions for Bachelor projects/theses/Projects in Practice and ordinary student jobs.


Marianne Støckel


Is your company or organisation interested in collaborating with top researchers? Do you want to develop new products or refine existing ones? Do you need competent sparring and advisory? Are you looking to employ a researcher?

The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports wants to be an attractive collaboration partner, and feels a great responsibility for making the extensive knowledge about health-related topics available to the outside world.

The department wants to help to ensure that up-to-date, reliable, impartial and relevant knowledge is available to society, and our graduates, PhD students and researchers possess expertise at the highest international level and of extreme relevance to companies, public-sector bodies and organisations in Denmark and abroad.

The interaction with the surrounding society is a core activity for the department, and we attach considerable importance to the relation we have with companies and public-sector bodies.

The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports has a strong tradition for external collaboration at many levels – from informal knowledge exchange to implementation, consultancy, public-sector services and joint research projects.

The overarching objective for the department is to contribute to address the challenges facing society within our fields of work. We also give priority to stimulating innovation, where research our results form the basis for new solutions that further development and create added value.


Anne Lykke Poulsen



Is your company, public-sector body or organisation interested in conducting a joint research project with top researchers within the fields of physical activity, sports, nutrition and health?

Do you want to develop new products? Do you need competent sparring or advisory from talented researches?

Joint research project

A joint research project provides your company with access to specialist knowledge within a specific field of research, an international knowledge network at the highest level and the University’s equipment and facilities.

In the case of joint research projects, both parties invest resources in the project. This means that your company gains access to:

  • Specialist knowledge within a specific field of research
  • An international knowledge network at the highest level
  • The University’s equipment and facilities

This may result in more efficient and better processes, and thus a more competitive business. Through working together on joint research projects, the employees of both parties usually develop both professionally and personally, while at the same time being updated with the latest knowledge. Large research projects often involve several companies. Such cooperation often results in the companies mutually sharing knowledge and solutions.

You can find inspiration by reading about the department’s fields of research. For questions about the ownership and application of the research, i.e. intellectual property (IP), please contact the Tech Trans office at the University of Copenhagen.



If you want to employ a researcher, there are several options. You can, for example, employ a young researcher as an industrial PhD or industrial postdoc. These two schemes are subsidised, enabling you to recruit a researcher for a specific project that can generate new knowledge and/or patents. 

An industrial PhD is a three-year professionally oriented project, where the PhD student is employed by a company or a public-sector body but is still enrolled at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports.

Read more about the industrial PhD scheme at the University of Copenhagen’s portal for collaboration with the business sector and public-sector bodies and institutions, or at the website of Innovation Fund Denmark, which provides funding for both industrial PhDs and industrial postdocs. Under both schemes, the company must have an idea for ​​a specific research project, and the project must be of sufficient quality for it to be approved by Innovation Fund Denmark.

The University is very willing to help develop the project, draw up a job ad for a student etc. For help, send an email to the University of Copenhagen’s contact for industrial PhDs.




Department of Nutrition Exercise and Sports
Nørre Allé 51
DK-2200 Copenhagen

Telephone: +45 3532 0829

VAT No.: 2997 9812
EAN: 5798000422438

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