PhD defence: Preventing undernutrition in Cambodia

Assessing the effects of improved local complementary food on growth

Jutta Kloppenborg Heick Skau

PhD thesis

Frontpage of thesis

The aim of this thesis was to assess the nutritional impact of both international-formulated and locally produced complementary food products on body composition and linear growth of 6-15 month-old Cambodian children; to assess nutritional status in association to body composition of 6 and 15 month-old Cambodian children, respectively; and the ability of local food items to prevent undernutrition in Cambodia.

Furthermore, to describe the challenges there are with prevention of malnutrition in Cambodia.

2014, 122 pages,
ISBN 978 87 7611 633 0


13 January 2014 at 13:00


Auditorium A2-70.04 Marmorhallen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C.


Susanne Gjedsted Bügel (Chair), Associated Professor, Department of Nutrition Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen.

Saskia de Pee, Senior nutrition advisor, World Food Programme, Rome.

André Briend, Affiliated Professor, Department of International Health, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland.


Nanna Roos, Associated Professor, Department of Nutrition Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen.

Henrik Friis, Professor, Department of Nutrition Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen.

Kim F Michaelsen, Professor, Department of Nutrition Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen.

Frank Wieringa, Senior Researcher,  Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Montpellier, France.