Existential Coaching - Why the BIG philosophical questions matter when navigating life and career

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Foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis"

Yannick Jacob

Yannick Jacob

Yannick Jacob is an Existential Coach (MA), Positive Psychologist (MSc), Coach Trainer and Supervisor. He’s the Course Director of the ACIC and the former Programme Leader of UEL's MSc Coaching Psychology.

Teaching faculty at Animas Centre for Coaching, the International Centre for Coaching Supervision and The School of Life, Yannick presents at conferences internationally and published An Introduction to Existential Coaching in 2019.

Introduktion til foredraget

As the CoViD-19 pandemic continues to affect the world, people and organizations are coming face-to-face with existential concerns, such as endings & death, meaninglessness & absurdity, (lack of) freedom and/or isolation.

Now, more than ever, existential philosophy is relevant to individuals, groups and organisations as the world and our clients experience their human condition more fiercely, and increasingly find themselves faced, personally and professionally, with the weight of existential questions. Such big questions always, in some way or another, influence the way we navigate and experience our life and work.

This talk will introduce some of these big questions, illustrate the basic tenets of existential thought and how it relates to coaching practice. It will lay out the landscape for existential coaching, define its frame and illustrate its value and practical application.

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Yderligere information Reinhard Stelter, Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Copenhagen, Institut for Idræt og Ernæring, Københavns Universitet.

Forelæsningsrækken har til formål at bygge bro mellem forskning og praksis inden for coaching og samtidigt forankre coachingpraksisser i forskningsdiskursen. Intentionen er at give ord til forskere, der belyser coaching i en erhvervs-, sundheds eller sportsrelateret sammenhæng. Coaching Psychology Unit University of Copenhagen blev etableret for at igangsætte og koordinere tværfaglig forskning, samt uddannelse og formidling inden for coaching.