The Science of Health & Well-being Coaching
Foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis"
Margaret Moore
Margaret Moore, MBA (aka Coach Meg) is an executive coach, coach trainer, author, and coaching thought leader. She is Co-Founder, Chair, Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, Founder, CEO, Wellcoaches Corporation and Co-Founder, Member, of the US National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching.
Introduktion til foredraget
The two important domains of coaching science are first, the science that supports coaching competencies, and second, the evidence base that demonstrates positive coaching outcomes.
Margaret Moore will explore the story of building the coaching workforce and evidence base for coaching in healthcare. Then she will describe the scientific foundation of coaching competencies for health and well-being and beyond.
The building blocks include self-determination theory, positive psychology, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, goal-setting, and generative moments.
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Yderligere information Reinhard Stelter, Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Copenhagen, Institut for Idræt og Ernæring, Københavns Universitet.
Forelæsningsrækken har til formål at bygge bro mellem forskning og praksis inden for coaching og samtidigt forankre coachingpraksisser i forskningsdiskursen. Intentionen er at give ord til forskere, der belyser coaching i en erhvervs-, sundheds eller sportsrelateret sammenhæng. Coaching Psychology Unit University of Copenhagen blev etableret for at igangsætte og koordinere tværfaglig forskning, samt uddannelse og formidling inden for coaching.Arrangører
Coaching Psychology Unit, Institut for Idræt og Ernæring, Københavns Universitet i samarbejde med EMCC Danmark