The Mindful Coach: Love, Compassion, and Neuroscience on the Playing Field

Foredragsrække "Coaching - forskning og praksis"

Mark B. Andersen

Mark B. Andersen, tidl. professor i Sports Psychology på Victoria University, Melbourne, Australien, pt. gæsteprofessor på Halmstad Högskolan (Universitet) i Sverige

Mindfulness is all the rage in clinical psychology, medicine, and education. Mindfulness has also shown up in the executive- and life-coaching fields. In the sport psychology area, mindfulness appears mostly as an intervention for performance enhancement, but recently there have been suggestions that sport psychologists train in mindful practices to help them better connect and form therapeutic relationships with the athletes in their care.

In this presentation, I will talk about the potential benefits of coaches having mindful practices and how such practices can help them form positive working alliances with their athletes. To examine the fine, and not so fine, qualities of coach-athlete relationships, and what happens when a coach’s brain and an athlete’s brain interact over a relatively long period of time, I will traverse the fields of Freudian psychology (e.g., transference, countertransference), attachment theory (e.g., secure and insecure attachments), neuroscience (e.g., interpersonal neurobiology), and Buddhist psychology (e.g., right mindfulness, compassion for self and others).

NB. This is a seminar, not a lecture! 
All who attend are expected to have read the material and be prepared to contribute their own stories and experiences. Mark Andersen will not lecture to the audience. We want his visit to be a discussion among students and staff. You can also find a basic schematic of some brain structures that may be discussed during the seminar.

Forelæsningen finder sted i Karnapsalen, Institut for Idræt og Ernæring, Nørre Allé 53, 2200 København N.

Tilmelding Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig. Tilmelding til coachingforedragene sker ved udfyldelse af denne formular.

Yderligere information Reinhard Stelter Coaching Psychology Unit University of Copenhagen Institut for Idræt og Ernæring, Københavns Universitet

Foredragsrækken har til formål at bygge bro mellem forskning og praksis inden for coaching og samtidigt forankre coachingpraksisser i forskningsdiskursen. Intentionen er at give ord til forskere, der belyser coaching i en erhvervs-, sundheds eller sportsrelateret sammenhæng. Coaching Psychology Unit University of Copenhagen blev etableret for at igangsætte og koordinere tværfaglig forskning, samt uddannelse og formidling inden for coaching.