Low-fat diet Redux at WHO

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Worldwide dietary guidelines in the late 20th century promoted a low-fat diet, based, in part, on the notion that dietary fat, the most energy dense macronutrient, causes excess weight gain. However, high-quality evidence accumulating since then refute a direct association between dietary fat and adiposity. Moreover, substitution of carbohydrates for unsaturated fat can increase insulin resistance and cardiometabolic disease, especially among populations with highly prevalent insulin resistance. In this context, the recent WHO conditional recommendation to carry forward the guidance to limit dietary fat to ≤30% seems ill advised and should be reconsidered.

BogserieAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)849-851
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 American Society for Nutrition

ID: 390187518