The Coach-Coachee Relationship: Integrating Theory and Practice

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typerForedrag og mundtlige bidrag

Reinhard Stelter - Foredragsholder

The relationship is documented to be the crucial factor that determines the outcome of mentoring and coaching. Despite this there has been little interest to go in-depth with the investigation of the coach-coachee/ mentor-mentee relationship, especially by doing qualitative investigations that really help practitioners in their attempt to improve their own practice. This is the intention for this workshop. We will focus on the coach-coachee relationship, present some results from qualitative research (interviews and video) and share the knowledge from these investigations with the audience in a way that is closely link to their own practice.
16 nov. 2012

Ekstern organisation

NavnUnknown external organisation

ID: 41981301