Constructivist coaching in a nutshell

Foredragsrækken "Coaching - forskning og praksis"

Jelena Pavlovic

Jelena Pavlovic

Dr Jelena Pavlović is Assistant Professor of Organizational Development and Change at Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade. She also teaches at the Global Team Coaching Institute (WBECS) and manages a coaching consultancy Koučing centar. Jelena is Associate Editor of Journal of Constructivist Psychology and author of “Coaching Psychology: Constructivist Approaches” (published at Routledge in March 2021). 

Introduktion til foredraget

    In the last couple of decades there have been continuing efforts to ground the coaching practice into sound psychological theory.

    This lecture features one of the most exciting and comprehensive approaches to coaching – constructivist psychology.

    • Are we “experts” in our own behaviour?
    • Is all behaviour an “experiment”?
    • How do we coach to change the problem-saturated stories into solution focused ones?
    • How do we help teams experiment with their preferred versions of team functioning?

    The lecture offers an overview of key principles and introduces a variety of models, tools and techniques for coaching from a constructivist perspective.

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    Yderligere information Reinhard Stelter, Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Copenhagen, Institut for Idræt og Ernæring, Københavns Universitet.

    Forelæsningsrækken har til formål at bygge bro mellem forskning og praksis inden for coaching og samtidigt forankre coachingpraksisser i forskningsdiskursen. Intentionen er at give ord til forskere, der belyser coaching i en erhvervs-, sundheds eller sportsrelateret sammenhæng. Coaching Psychology Unit University of Copenhagen blev etableret for at igangsætte og koordinere tværfaglig forskning, samt uddannelse og formidling inden for coaching.